Sunday, 19 January 2014

Netanyahu rolls out new roadblock to peace

Demand that Palestinians recognise Israel as a Jewish state is new cornerstone of Israeli diplomacy.
Nazareth, Israel - To the surprise of observers, given the many issues blocking progress in the current Middle East peace talks, Israel and the United States now appear to regard the Palestinian refusal to recognise Israel as a Jewish state as the key obstacle to an agreement.

This demand is relatively new to the peace process, having made its debut in 2007 - 14 years after the Oslo accords originally laid down the path that was supposed to lead to Palestinian statehood.

In 1993, in the run-up to the signing of the accords, Yasser Arafat, the late Palestinian leader, wrote a letter to the Israeli prime minister at the time, Yitzhak Rabin, officially recognising Israel. In return, Rabin recognised the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as the representative of the Palestinian people.

But such recognition no longer appears enough for Israel.

While former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert first mooted Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state at the brief revival of peace talks in Annapolis seven years ago, it has become a cornerstone of Israeli diplomacy only since Benjamin Netanyahu took office.

In recent months he has reiterated that Palestinian recognition of Israel as "the nation state of the Jewish people" is the "real key for peace" and an "essential condition" for an agreement. In a video message to the Saban Forum in Washington last month, Netanyahu stated that the core of the conflict was "about one thing: The persistent refusal to accept the Jewish state in any border".

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly rejected such a provision in a final agreement. He wrote letters last month to both US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry that included his objections.

This month Hanan Ashrawi, a senior official in the PLO, characterised Israel's demand as an attempt to "legalise racism". She added that Israel wanted to "create a narrative that denies the Palestinian presence, rights, and continuity on the historic Palestinian lands".

Impossible demand

Many Palestinian analysts suspect that Netanyahu, long identified with the hawkish right, has only raised this new condition to stymie chances of the talks progressing further.

Yaron Ezrahi, a politics professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, agrees, saying Netanyahu introduced the demand as a "cynical spoiler". He added, "It is a ridiculous demand because even Israelis are not agreed on what it means to be a Jewish state, or even who is included in the definition of the Jewish people."

Like many other observers, Ezrahi believes that Netanyahu has imposed the condition because it puts Abbas in "an impossible position" on several fronts.

It would require him to sacrifice the rights of Palestinian refugees, expelled during the founding of Israel in 1948, to return to their former lands. It would undermine the struggle of Israel's large Palestinian minority for equality. And it would confer Palestinian consent on the erasure of their narrative of the events of 1948.

"For all these reasons," says Jamal Zahalka, a member of the Israeli parliament representing the country's Palestinian minority, "no Palestinian leader could ever agree to this demand."

However, much to the consternation of the Palestinian leadership, the US diplomatic team led by Kerry, that is overseeing the current peace talks, appears to have taken Netanyahu's new condition to heart.

Israeli officials have said that Kerry intends to include Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state in his so-called "framework proposal", which is supposed to lay out the contours of a final peace agreement.

Israel has also been lobbying European leaders to recognise it as a Jewish state. Zahalka says that in meetings with European governments he has heard an increasing readiness to do so.

Kerry is expected to unveil his peace plan to both the Israelis and Palestinians in the coming weeks, with the talks due to finish at the end of April. However, Israel is said to have requested that the negotiations continue for another year.

In a sign of how quickly the recognition demand has risen to the top of the agenda, Kerry is widely reported to have sought the backing of Arab states for the inclusion of this provision in a final agreement, during a meeting of the Arab League's foreign ministers in Paris on January 12.

International pressure

Beforehand, he also travelled to Amman and Riyadh in what Israeli officials said were efforts to lobby King Abdullah of Jordan and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia on Israel's behalf.

According to several reports, Kerry is seeking to add recognition of Israel as a Jewish state into the Arab Peace Initiative, unveiled by Saudi Arabia in 2002. The plan, which Israel has ignored for more than a decade, offers Israel peace with the whole Arab world in return for its agreement to create a Palestinian state.

The Times of Israel said Kerry hoped that Abbas might concede recognition if he comes under enough pressure from other Arab leaders.

Without recognition from the Palestinians, Haaretz reported, Kerry believes "he will find it very hard to get Netanyahu either to agree to conduct negotiations on the basis of the 1967 lines or to demonstrate flexibility on the issue of [Israeli] security arrangements".

However, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad al-Maliki said Kerry had been rebuffed at the Arab League meeting on the recognition issue. "The Arab states will never recognise a Jewish state," he told Radio Palestine after the Paris meeting.

So what is at stake for both sides if the Palestinians recognise Israel as a Jewish state?

For Netanyahu, what started as a cynical ploy, says Ezrahi, has become a matter of growing strategic importance in his eyes. "Now it seems he really believes in this condition."

"It helps Netanyahu that it is very popular with the Israeli public," adds Amal Jamal, a politics professor at Tel Aviv University.

The Arab states will never recognise a Jewish state.

- Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad al-Maliki 

One the one hand, it provides Netanyahu with an ideological basis for asserting Israeli claims to more areas of the West Bank that were intended to be in a future Palestinian state.

Last week it emerged that Netanyahu wants Kerry to add at least one more settlement, Beit El, near Ramallah, to the three so-called blocs - Ariel, Gush Etzion, and Maale Adumim - Israel has long demanded. Netanyahu recently stated that the settlements of Beit El and Hebron, which contain a few hundred settlers in the midst of a large Palestinian city, are "important to the Jewish people" because of their Biblical significance. He added that an "agreement cannot erase the state of Israel's rights or the rights of the Jewish people".

The other main advantage, says Ezrahi, is that it cements the inferior rights of Israel's 1.5 million Palestinian citizens, a fifth of the total population.

Enshrining discrimination

He notes that Ehud Barak, who was prime minister when Israel and the Palestinians tried to negotiate a final status agreement at Camp David in 2000, insisted that the Palestinians sign an end-of-claims clause. "Netanyahu has done something much cleverer but more problematic. His demand for recognition implies the institutionalisation of discrimination against Israel's Palestinian minority."

That is in part because Israel's Jewish self-definition, as Moshe Machover, a British-Israeli philosopher, has noted, is designed to enshrine it as the "state of the entire Jewish 'nation': Not just of its own Jewish citizens, but of all Jews everywhere". 

That would entitle Jews anywhere in the world, even those without citizenship, access to greater rights inside Israel than those of citizens who belong to the Palestinian minority.

Zahalka takes a hard line on the recognition issue. "Some in the PA say they are happy not to interfere in how Israel defines itself. They think it is okay for Israel call itself whatever it wants. I don't agree with that."

He says Israel's current status as a Jewish state means that many of the Palestinian minority's rights have been effectively revoked. "Lots of discriminatory laws and policies derive from the state's Jewishness. The Palestinian leadership has no right to disqualify our struggle for equality."

Kerry is said to be considering a formulation to allay the fears of the country's Palestinian citizens. Al-Ayyam newspaper reported that a clause might be inserted into an agreement recognising Israel "as the nation-state of the Jewish people, without prejudice to the civil rights of Israeli Arabs". But Zahalka is not placated. "Israel's Declaration of Independence says that the rights of non-Jewish citizens will be protected, but we know that in practice the promise was meaningless."

Ezrahi adds that Kerry may be under the impression that Israel would be willing to pass legislation to guarantee the equality of its Palestinians citizens. "In reality, I don't see any indications that Netanyahu and the right would be prepared to do so."

As an indication of Netanyahu's priorities, Zahalka points to a measure announced this month by the Israeli prime minister to raise the electoral threshold at the next election for parties to enter the Knesset, from 2 to 3.25 percent. Most observers believe one of his motives is to make it difficult for the small anti-Zionist parties popular with the Palestinian minority to win representation.

Jamal says Netanyahu has little to lose from continuing to push the recognition issue. "It puts the ball firmly in the Palestinians' court. If they refuse, he can argue that it was they who sabotaged the peace process. They will then be the ones to face pressure from the US and Europe."

Like other analysts, Jamal sees little chance of the talks heading to an agreement, given how far apart the two sides are.

Netanyahu, even if he wanted to make a deal, has no political backing for it, he says. "Even if the far-right parties quit and the Labor and Meretz parties replaced them in the coalition, Netanyahu has the positions of his own Likud party to worry about. He simply has no room to make concessions on even the most minimal demands being made by the Palestinians."

Hong Kong's domestic worker abuse

Indonesian maid tells her story of violence, while Amnesty says thousands live in similar conditions.
Sragen, Indonesia - Erwiana Sulistyaningsih cut an unusual figure as she limped through Hong Kong airport in six T-shirts and two pairs of trousers on January 10. The extra layers did little to veil the injuries to her hands and feet and heavy facial swelling.

Erwiana said she was dropped off that evening by her former employer, Law Wantung. The 23-year-old maid said her boss bought her a flight to her home country, Indonesia, gave her 100,000 rupiah ($8.40), and told her never to talk to anyone about what had happened to her in Hong Kong.

"She told me that she knew a lot of people in Indonesia and if I said anything she would have my parents killed," Erwiana told Al Jazeera, surrounded by her family in a hospital bed in Sragen, Central Java.

Doctors at Amel Sehat Islamic Hospital say she is suffering from swelling of the brain from repeated blows to the head. She also has several broken teeth, a broken nose and her hands and feet are brown and swollen with cellulitis - an infection of the skin that resulted from her long-untreated wounds.

Erwiana said her wounds are the product of seven months of abuse that she suffered while "working" as a domestic helper. The 100,000 rupiah she was given at the airport is the only remuneration she received, she said.

Hong Kong police have announced that four crime-squad officers will be dispatched to Indonesia on Monday to interview Erwiana.

Dangerous assignment

About 330,000 foreigners work as domestic helpers in Hong Kong. London-based rights group Amnesty International said thousands from Indonesia are being tricked into working in Hong Kong by brokers and agencies with callous disregard for their clients' welfare. Many are forced to pay extortionate recruitment fees and are abused by their employers.

Erwiana was recruited in Indonesia by PT Graha Ayukarsa, with whom she said she agreed to have HK$2,543 ($328) deducted from her HK$3,920 ($505) monthly wage, until a HK$18,000 ($2,320) recruitment fee was paid off. Hong Kong's minimum wage is HK$4,010 ($517) and it is illegal to impose recruitment fees of more than 10 percent on the first month's wage.

Erwiana was then placed by Chan's Asia Recruitment Centre, PT Graha Ayukarsa's Hong Kong partner, and arrived to work on her boss's 36th-floor apartment in Tseung Kwan O, an upmarket Hong Kong suburb, in May 2013.

"When I first came to Hong Kong I thought it was a kind of luxurious place, an amazing place. But it was not the reality for me," she said.

According to Erwiana she received no days off, was confined to the apartment, and was given a small portion of rice as her daily meal.

After receiving no payment for her first month's work, Erwiana escaped and said that she called her local agent from a public telephone on the ground floor of the apartment complex.

But when the agent arrived to meet her, Erwiana said, she was told her employer would provide payment, and was brought back to the apartment.

It was then, she said, that the violence began.

She told me that she knew a lot of people in Indonesia and if I said anything she would have my parents killed.

- Erwiana Sulistyaningsih, domestic worker

According to Erwiana the beatings were sporadic at first, but slowly became a daily ordeal. Sometimes she was told it was because she'd failed to hear an instruction, sometimes apparently for no reason at all.

"She would beat me with a lot of different implements, most usually with the handle of my mop. She would hit me all over, but mostly on my head," she said. "I had to work for 21 hours a day. I didn't have my own room so whenever I could sleep I would sleep on the floor.

"If [one of her two teenage] children found me sleeping when I wasn't supposed to be they'd tell her and she'd beat me again."

Carpet stains

In the final weeks of her ordeal, Erwiana said blood and puss ran from her wounds prompting her employer to complain that it was staining the carpet. She said her boss wrapped her wounds in bandages and plastic bags, but it still seeped out. Erwiana said a few days later she was driven to the airport.

Halfway through an interview with Al Jazeera, Erwiana became dizzy from the strain of recounting her story. Since returning to Indonesia she has suffered severe headaches from any prolonged period of concentration.

Erwiana's friend, Riyanti, sat at the foot of her bed. The pair met as Erwiana struggled through Hong Kong airport. Riyanti, who was also returning from a placement as a domestic helper, realised Erwiana was seriously injured and encouraged her to go to the police. Scared her employer would cancel her ticket home, Erwiana continued on without filing a report. Riyanti helped her home and has remained with her since.

"I was lucky - my employer paid me as agreed and was not violent. But this is not the first time I've heard of other cases like Erwiana's," she said. "I am staying to get justice for her."

Amnesty said there are thousands such as Erwiana who suffer conditions tantamount to modern-day slavery working in Hong Kong.

Since her case has made international headlines, another women identified as Bunga has come forward claiming also to have worked for Erwiana's employer. Bunga reported similar abuse, and in one incident said she begged for her life after her boss threatened to throw her off the balcony.


"When you see cases like [Erwiana's] - of [alleged] extreme physical abuse - it's tempting to see them as isolated," Robert Godden, Amnesty's Asia-Pacific coordinator, told Al Jazeera.

"But actually, when you look into the specifics…many of the factors leading to the abuse can be applied to thousands of migrant domestic workers: underpayment, the employer didn't pay the minimum wage; restrictions on movement; you can see that she was heavily indebted by the illegal recruitment fees charged by the agency; and you can see that she didn't know how to access justice."

Amnesty said the vulnerability of migrant workers is compounded by discriminating labour laws and reluctant law enforcement.

"[Victims] tend to not to be taken seriously and are discouraged from filing complaints...That seems to have been the case [for Erwiana] when it wasn't until a lot of public pressure through the media came to bear on the police, that they actually started actively investigating.

"We have anecdotal reports from those who have tried to file reports before that they have been discouraged by the police."

Godden said racial discrimination against migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong's broader population is borne out in government policy and regulation. "Much of this is things you pick up within society, but we would focus on the regulation system itself, and show how it perpetuates or causes some of the abuse to take place."

According to an Amnesty report published in November, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's (SAR) "two-week rule" states that migrant domestic workers must find new employment within two weeks of their contract ending or being terminated, or they have to leave Hong Kong.

This pressures workers to remain with abusive employers; if they leave their job, they are likely to have to leave the country, which for many would make it impossible to repay the recruitment fees and support their families in Indonesia.

The two-week rule also obstructs justice. If a migrant domestic worker leaves an abusive employer and is not re-employed within two weeks, she must leave Hong Kong, making it difficult and costly for her to file a case.

It's a failing by the Hong Kong authorities to say 'you need to complain if you have some grievance'. Actually, they need to proactively police and regulate the agencies.

- Robert Godden, Amnesty International

No escape

Migrant domestic workers are also legally required to live with their employer, leaving no means of escape should the employer become abusive.

According to Amnesty, many agencies charge illegal recruitment fees but the government is doing nothing to police the problem.

"It's a failing by the Hong Kong authorities to say 'you need to complain if you have some grievance'. Actually, they need to proactively police and regulate the agencies," Godden said.

Responding to the criticism, Hong Kong SAR Secretary for Labour and Welfare Matthew Cheung Kin-chung released a statement saying the government would step up regulation and "enforcement action", in particular the inspection of employment agencies.

"In this particular [Erwiana's] case, the Labour Department has been in close touch with the agency concerned and we will certainly impress upon all agencies in Hong Kong that they should protect the interest of helpers," he said.

Nyoman Darmanta, deputy director of international cooperation at Indonesia's Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, failed to respond to repeated requests for comment.

Bapak Hima, the local agent of PT Graha Ayukarsa, said he did not want to be interviewed. Bapak A Siong, owner of PT Graha Ayukarsa, didn't respond to phone calls.

Chan's Asia Recruitment Centre failed to respond to repeated requests for comment. Erwiana's employer could not be contacted by publication time.

Libya declares state of alert

The move came after gunmen stormed an air force base near southern city of Sabha, which has experienced days of clashes.

Libya has declared a state of alert as the air force attacked gunmen in the remote south to end unrest between rival armed groups that have been clashing for days.

The General National Congress, Libya's highest political authority, took the decision on Saturday during an "extraordinary session" after the parliament put the army on alert as gunmen stormed the air force base, Tamenhant, near the southern city of Sabha, an official said.

"A force was readied, then aircraft moved and took off and dealt with the targets," Abdul-Raziq al-Shabahi, defence ministry spokesman, told reporters in Tripoli.

He said the army was tracking the attackers after they fled into the desert.

Earlier on Saturday, Prime Minister Ali Zeidan said a small group of gunmen had entered the air force base outside Sabha, 770km south of the capital Tripoli, but the government was in control of the town and its civilian airport. 

"This confrontation (at the air base) is continuing but in a few hours it will be solved," the prime minister told a televised address, without elaborating.

Zeidan said he had sent his defence minister to Misrata to instruct troops based there to move to the south.

"The troops from Misrata have been commissioned by the government to conduct a national task ... to spread security and stability in the region," he said in the address.

Tribal clashes

Local sources said the clashes that started last week were sparked by the death of a rebel chief linked to the Awled Sleiman, adding that the tribe accused the Toubou of murdering him.

The Toubou are black oasis farmers by tradition who also live in southern Libya, northern Chad and Niger, who have repeatedly said they were being marginalised.

Western powers fear the OPEC producer will slide into instability as the government struggles to contain heavily-armed groups and tribesmen who helped topped Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 but refuse to disarm.

South Sudan army re-captures Bor

Government forces recapture the key town after defeating more than 15,000 rebel fighters, army spokesman says.

South Sudanese soldiers have recaptured the key town of Bor, defeating an army of thousands of rebels, an army spokesman said.

"Today the gallant SPLA forces entered Bor, they have defeated more than 15,000 forces of (rebel leader) Riek Machar and frustrated his plans to attack Juba," Philip Aguer, army spokesman, told reporters on Saturday.

Ateny Wek Ateny, spokesman for President Salva Kiir, said the troops had been "congratulated for a job well done".

He also said the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) would "observe international rule of law" - a day after a top United Nations rights envoy reported that the conflict has been marked by mass killings, extrajudicial killings, widespread destruction and looting.

"If there are people captured they should be kept in regards to the international law," the spokesman said.

Bor is the capital of Jonglei state and situated 200 kilometres north of the capital Juba. The town has changed hands four times since the conflict in the world's youngest nation began five weeks ago.

Fight for Malakal

Government troops were battling rebel forces on Saturday for control of the key oil town of Malakal, the army said, though it admitted having trouble contacting its commanders on the ground.

"Communication is still difficult. We will find out today how the fighting ended yesterday. We still feel we're still sharing Malakal with the rebels, but by the end of the day (the army) must clear the rebels from Malakal," Philip Aguer, army spokesman, told AFP news agency.

The United Nations says 468,000 people have fled their homes because of the fighting, which has spiralled into ethnic killings between members of Kiir's Dinka people - the country's largest group - and Machar's Nuer.

Up to 10,000 people are believed to have been killed so far in the conflict.

Serena stunned in Australian Open

Five-time champion Serena Williams suffers a shock defeat to Ana Ivanovic in the fourth round of the Australian Open.

Serena Williams admitted that a bad back sustained during practice hampered her movement during her shock fourth round loss to Ana Ivanovic on Sunday, but refused to blame the injury for her stunning exit that blew the Australian Open wide open.

Raging favourite to clinch her 18th grand slam title and sixth at Melbourne Park, the world number one was overhauled 4-6 6-3 6-3 in front of an astonished Rod Laver Arena crowd as the resurgent Ivanovic soared to her finest victory in years.

Williams crashed out in a hail of 31 unforced errors and managed only three winners in the third set as the anticipated fightback the American has counted on throughout her career failed to materialise.

I guess the secret is out, but I obviously wasn't hitting the way I normally would hit and wasn't moving the way I normally would move and making a lot of errors that I normally would not make and I haven't made in a couple of years

Serena Williams, Five-time Australian Open champion

Her coach Patrick Mouratoglou, who talked up a serious tilt at a calendar grand slam before the tournament, said Williams had "blocked" her back during practice before her third round match against Daniela Hantuchova.

"I guess the secret is out, but I obviously wasn't hitting the way I normally would hit and wasn't moving the way I normally would move and making a lot of errors that I normally would not make and I haven't made in a couple of years," she told reporters after her 25-match winning streak was snapped.

"But it's okay. I feel like I know for a fact I can play so much better than what I did today, so with that, knowing that, I'm not disappointed or anything.

"I just know that I can play 10 times better than what I did today.

"I have just been on some of the strongest meds I can take, that are legal, which my body didn't handle it well because I haven't been taking anything. So I was like really kind of out of it for a few days."

The back injury makes three straight Melbourne Park campaigns where Williams, the greatest player of her generation, has suffered untimely fitness problems to exit relatively early.

She was knocked out last year in the quarter-finals by Sloane Stephens after rolling an ankle early in the tournament and stunned in the fourth round by Ekaterina Makarova in 2012, having suffered another foot injury in the leadup.

Williams said she was unaware of the nature of the back injury but doubted it would affect her for too long.

"At the end of the day it's not the end of the world, and I keep stressing that I feel like Ana played really well," she said.

"I think she played a really good match. I don't want to sit here and make an excuse when she played such a great match.

"I made a tremendous amount of errors, shots I missed I normally don't miss. I haven't missed since the '80s. I'm just not used to missing those shots.

"She made some good shots, and I just made way, way, a lot of unforced errors."

Williams had never lost a set to Ivanovic, let alone a match, before Sunday and since last year's Australian Open was riding a 77-3 winning record.

Pundits had talked of the American's 18th grand slam title being a formality -- barring injury or illness -- and debated how soon the 31-year-old would reach Steffi Graf's total of 22 grand slam titles.

With Williams gone, 20-year-old Stephens is the last American woman in the singles draw. It also leaves a cavernous hole in the top half of the draw, where 14th seeded Ivanovic and China's fourth seed Li Na are the hightest-ranked players.

"I'm always disappointed when I lose, but it's always a good thing," Williams said.

"I plan on getting better. I think it's almost good that I lost today because now I know what to work on, I know what to do when I get on the practice court.

"But like I said, I feel very encouraged to go home, and pain or no pain, just to start working even harder. Every time I lose I feel like I get better, and I'm going to definitely go home and do a tremendous amount better."

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To ensure all FMC employees and visitors work in a safe and secured environment.
Responsible for the continuous improvements attaining operational goals and objectives in a safe and secured manner. Enables organizational ownership for achieving related benchmark performance.

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Department: Onne, Human Resources/Nigeria Content

Responsibilities: Provides human resources including employment, employee relations. Position also provides orientation and support to managers and employees to ensure overall company objectives are met.

Main Tasks: – Provide support and guidance regarding personnel administration; administers and communicates HR policies and programs with departments. Answers questions and assists with problem resolution for employees and managers. – Supervises and coordinates recruiting and selection process – Ensure 100% compliance with the Company’s policies and programs – Establish, implement, and maintain personnel development and training programs to ensure career development and competency of personnel based on KPI’s. – Assist HR Manager with the administration of the Company’s International Rotation and Expatriate program; including coordination of personnel mobilization and assignment orientation. – Keeps abreast of latest trends and technology related to Human resource functions and identifies ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the department – Maintain personnel records in accordance with Company, regulatory requirements. – Keep abreast with Nigerian labour law and ensures 100% compliance with other regulations Identifies and suggests ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the department.

Requirements: – Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources or a related business field required – 4+ (Four plus) years professional experience applying fundamental concepts, practices and procedures in Human Resources recruiting.. – Knowledge of Local Labor Laws and regulations an added advantage – Prior oil and gas experience is preferred – Knowledge of SAP an added advantage – Strong PC Skills including proficiency in MS Office and Access products. – Ability to execute tasks independently. Ability to maintain confidentiality with sensitive data. – Excellent organization and time management skills to handle multiple tasks in an environment with large volumes of data and paperwork. Attention to detail.

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Maintenance Engineer - Nigeria Job at FMC Technologies Inc

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 06:52 AM PST

Job Title: Maintenance Engineer
Job ID: #50628382
Location: Onne, Nigeria
Employer: FMC Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:FTI)

Profession: Customer Support
Employment Level: 4 Professional (3+ years of relevant experience)
Department: Engineering, Onne Base, Nigeria

Responsibilities: Subsea Service PEM’s define the preventive maintenance scope to be performed on a specified portfolio of tools prior to and after offshore operations and during storage.

Main Tasks: – Define Scope of work to be perform on an specified portfolio of Tools prior to and after operation, or in storage – Define technical input to repair and modification of Tools – Execute and manage repair and modification Work Orders
• Coordinate and manage the project’s portfolio of Service Orders – Follow up and ensure that planned work is being carried out by FMC and sub-contractors according to budget and timeframe, and in accordance with requirements – Provide input to pricing of new jobs
• Coordinate other Support functions and Engineering department’s contribution to the jobs – Be responsible for progress, quality and on time delivery for his or hers portfolio of Work orders. – Perform all activities in accordance with FMC Business Management System or best practice procedures – Exert best efforts to ensure that all work is completed within Client’s milestones, budgets and to the quality specified or implied in Scope Of Work, Contract documents and FMC specifications – Support all project and workshop specific HES and QA activities. – Participate in internal enhancement projects – Support Maintenance Execution Manager and Project Managers in general – Define preventive maintenance activities before and after operations in accordance to FMC instructions, guidelines and Maintenance Planning System – Assist Material Coordinator in selection of individual tools to be used in upcoming operation based on type of tools defined. – Check and evaluate open notifications towards equipment and open engineering change notes (ECN) – Evaluate repair notifications and instruct on further actions – Provide technical input to repair and modification work – Prepare Service Orders with relevant scope, task lists, procedures, schematics and drawing for equipment and tools in conjunction with the preventive maintenance activities – Participate in planning the execution of Service Orders within his or hers responsibility – Execute and follow up Service Orders in FMC Workshops or 3rd party supplier, focusing on quality and optimization of delivery time – Execute and manage repair and modification Work Orders – Be single point of contact between Support functions, Workshops, Engineering, Projects, Product responsible and Customer’s technical representative, and coordinate their involvement. – Follow up of progress and status on ongoing work in FMC Workshops and 3rd party supplier – Provide input to progress on his or hers Service Orders – Define Service Orders according to FMC Maintenance Management System (MMS) requirements. – Provide technical assistance in solving issues in liaison with Engineering, Workshops and Purchasing department. – Follow up Workshop to ensure that all maintenance history is logged appropriately in SAP. – Participate in preparation of Variation Order Requests – Participate in regular status meetings with managers, supervisors and planners – Coordinate and participate in resolving QN`s related to his or hers Work Orders – Be updated on project milestones related to completion of workshop activities and special needs – Give feedback on procedures and task lists, or other maintenance programs and processes. – Initiate or participate in reviews of procedures and task lists – Be updated on Industry and Customer requirements related to Maintenance – Ensure that all work is performed in compliance with Contracts, FMC internal requirements, Customer requirements and Authority requirements – Assist Field Service Manager/Coordinator in prioritizing work

Requirements: – Bachelors Degree in Engineering. Familiarization with FMC product line and basic engineering principles or MS degree. – 3 years’ experience, Field experience is a plus, relevant experience may compensate for lack of education – Working knowledge of specific process technologies, procedures, products and applications. – Must be proficient in use of CAD and Database systems related to Engineering functions. – Shows evidence of good organization skills. – Ability to read, interpret & prepare applicable technical information & suggest design/process changes to ensure simple, functional & cost effective results. – Must be detail oriented, have high integrity and ethics. – Good PC skills a must, including proficiency in Excel, Word, Project, and Visio. – Strong technical communication skills both verbal and written in English. – Good problem solving and critical thinking skills required – Ability to handle multiple tasks in a high volume environment where accuracy and urgency are both required.

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Drilling TSP - Nigeria Job at FMC Technologies Inc

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 06:45 AM PST

Job Title: Drilling TSP
Job ID: #50628308
Location: Onne, Nigeria
Employer: FMC Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:FTI)

Profession: Customer Support
Employment Level: 2 Entry Level (0-3 years of experience)
Department: Onne Subsea Services Nigeria

Responsibilities: Technical Service Personnel prepare, support and troubleshoot the installation, testing, recovery, maintenance and repair of FMC oilfield equipment including, but not limited to: wellheads, risers, tensioners, control systems, subsea processing, trees, manifolds and tie in systems. Technical Services Personnel are on-site to coordinate, advise and interface with our customers and their contractors to ensure flawless execution of field installation and workover activities on FMC oilfield equipment.

Main Tasks: – Works independently to install, test and repair new and reworked FMC products (equipment and tools), ensuring no rig lost time for our customers while controlling expenses and maintaining FMC owned assets. Handles customer complaints in a professional manner. – Ensure all equipment, service tooling and spare parts are on location and ready to use by performing inventories and function-fit tasks prior to beginning each job. Records critical information such as dimensions, weights, temperatures, pressures and flow rates to ensure assembly/system will work per design and procedure requirements. Assists with the review of product testing, running and in some cases with assembly procedures. – Completes tasks in accordance with procedures and applicable codes and/or standards. – Provides “Project Support” as required, for all new projects which includes: assisting with project Factory Acceptance Tests and Systems Integration Testing. – Prepares and completes Safety related documentation (Job Safety Analysis, incident, and other required reports) consistently for the purpose of heightened safety awareness and accident prevention. – Understands and follows all FMC and customer safety requirements. Proactively pursues safe work practices and participates in safety training. – Proactively pursues the attainment of new technical training and skills for the purpose of advancing and updating knowledge and competence.

Requirements: – B.Sc. in Engineering: Mechanical Engineer preferred for Hardware TSP and Electrical and/or Electronics Engineering preferred for Controls/Topsides TSP. – Typically less than 6 months experience as field service technician with prior experience working in either hydraulics, electrical, mechanical or structural technical field or similar vocational training preferred. – Requires basic knowledge of one or more of the following fields: Electrical, Subsea equipment, Hydraulic equipment, Mechanical equipment and tools. – Ability to identify deviations from standards. – Understands and efficiently uses basic computer hardware and software to perform tasks. – Ability to read and understand drawings. – Ability to perform basic mathematical calculations. – Ability to use technical tools and instruments required to perform duties. – Required to interpret job requirements and coordinate equipment needed. – Basic written and verbal communication skills in English. – Ability to receive, interpret, understand, and respond to verbal messages and other cues in a clear and concise manner. – Ability to work in a team-oriented environment. – Ability to receive constructive feedback/coaching and respond appropriately. – Ability to provide accurate information regarding routine questions and/or provide assistance in identifying additional resources for more complex issues. – Capable of effective understanding and communication within diverse cultural environments is important

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Nigeria Bureau Chief - Abuja Job at Bloomberg LP

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 06:40 AM PST

Job Title: Nigeria Bureau Chief
Job Requisition Number: 39078
Location: Abuja, Nigeria
Employer: Bloomberg LP

The Role:
Bloomberg News seeks a Bureau Chief to be located in either Abuja or Lagos to help build, edit and oversee coverage of Africa’s second-biggest economy, with a strong focus on energy, economics, company news and politics.

The successful candidate must be driven and used to operating in a challenging environment. Contacts with government and industry officials and a familiarity with West Africa’s political environment would be an advantage.

The candidate will take a leading role in directing Nigerian coverage and will help manage reporters, editors and stringers in the country. The successful candidate will be able to edit and write clear and comprehensive stories with a proven ability to regularly break news and produce enterprise pieces. The ability to work under real-time deadline pressure, make quick news judgments and work well in a team environment is essential.

Qualifications: – Journalism experience is essential – Experience of working in a real-time news environment in desirable – Experience of covering financial news is essential

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Nigeria Bureau Chief - Lagos Job at Bloomberg LP

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 06:34 AM PST

Job Title: Nigeria Bureau Chief
Job Requisition Number: 39080
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Employer: Bloomberg LP

The Role:
Bloomberg News seeks a Bureau Chief to be located in either Abuja or Lagos to help build, edit and oversee coverage of Africa’s second-biggest economy, with a strong focus on energy, economics, company news and politics.

The successful candidate must be driven and used to operating in a challenging environment. Contacts with government and industry officials and a familiarity with West Africa’s political environment would be an advantage.

The candidate will take a leading role in directing Nigerian coverage and will help manage reporters, editors and stringers in the country. The successful candidate will be able to edit and write clear and comprehensive stories with a proven ability to regularly break news and produce enterprise pieces. The ability to work under real-time deadline pressure, make quick news judgments and work well in a team environment is essential.

Qualifications: – Journalism experience is essential – Experience of working in a real-time news environment in desirable – Experience of covering financial news is essential

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Project Manager - Nigeria Job at a Mega Construction Company

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 06:21 AM PST

Job Title: Project Manager
Location: Nigeria
Employer: Mega Construction Company
Recruiter: Recruit Africa Network

a. Project management & Some Quantity Surveying Skills
b. Degree or Associate Degree in Civil Engineering
c. 5-10 years working experience.
d. An experienced person without the requisite academic qualifications may do

How to Apply:
Qualified and interested candidates (European – British, German or French) should apply by sending application by quoting the position applying for.

Apply online or forward CV and application to

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Director of Operations - Nigeria Job at a Mega Construction Company

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 06:20 AM PST

Job Title: Director of Operations
Location: Nigeria
Employer: Mega Construction Company
Recruiter: Recruit Africa Network

a. As above except more of Technical and Project Management Skills.
b. 10-15 year Post graduation experience.
c. European, South African etc

How to Apply:
Qualified and interested candidates (European – British, German or French) should apply by sending application by quoting the position applying for.

Apply online or forward CV and application to

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Chief Executive Officer - Nigeria Job at a Mega Construction Company

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 06:19 AM PST

Job Title: Chief Executive Officer
Location: Nigeria
Employer: Mega Construction Company
Recruiter: Recruit Africa Network

Job description: This position is responsible for business strategies and leadership direction for the Organisation

a. Degree in Civil Engineering or Quantity Surveying
b. European – British, German or French
c. Extensive working experience in developing economy
d. A MINIMUM of 20 years working experience, 10 at managerial level.
e. Technical ,Managerial and some level of Marketing Skills.

How to Apply:
Qualified and interested candidates (European – British, German or French) should apply by sending application by quoting the position applying for.

Apply online or forward CV and application to

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Project Manager - Nigeria Job at Computer Warehouse Group Plc

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 06:16 AM PST

Job Title: Project Manager
Location: Nigeria
Employer: Computer Warehouse Group Limited / Computer Warehouse Group Plc (CWG)

Job description:
Computer Warehouse Group PLC seeks to fill the role of a Project Manager.
The Project Manager is responsible for managing of project(s), on time, budget and specification. To this end, the PM performs a variety of tasks including, but not limited to, project planning, managing resources and stakeholders; project execution; monitoring and controlling; and effective project closure.

Project Management:
1. Initition & Planning:
• Secure project approval (Project Charter and project code) before the project kick off
• Prepare project budget and secure approval
• Ensure Statement of Work document is signed before the commencement of projects
• Create and execute project work plans and revise as appropriate to meet changing needs and requirements in order to accomplish its goals within constraints such as time, cost and agreed quality standards
• Schedule tasks, deadlines and milestones for all stakeholders and resources
• Identify schedule uncertainties and risks for both client and CWG
• Develop schedule contingency plans
• Prepare a comprehensive project management plans

2. Project Execution:
• Run the project on a day-to-day basis
• Coordinate communication between staff, OEMs, Clients and third parties acting on behalf of the client
• Efficiently and competently manage problems — when things go off plan (due to scope-creep, changed requirements, missed deadlines etc.) bring them back on plan or create a new plan with the assistance of key-stakeholders. Ensure all changes go through change management process
• Intimately understand the requirements of the project and ensure that work proceeds on-spec
• Evaluate deliverables prepared by the team to make sure the work meets requirements and maintains a high level of quality before passing to client
• Constantly monitor and report on the progress of a project to all stakeholders

3. Evaluation & Reporting
• Track and report team hours and file expense reports
• Analyze project profitability
• Conduct performance evaluations
• Ensure project documents are complete, current , and stored appropriately on the enterprise project server
• Submit weekly status report of projects (including status of schedule and budgets, risks and issues, and billing status)
• Ensure Quality Assurance is done for all projects
• Ensure all project documentations including Purchase Orders, Project plans, Minutes of Meetings, Scope of Work Document, Milestone sign off, Project closure sign off, Weekly Status reports are documented on the Enterprise project server

4. Proposals Tendering:
• Work directly with Business Development Manager, Analyst and Sales to contribute wording, estimates, charts, samples etc. to proposals
• Work with the Requirements Analyst and project (engineers) team to estimate costs & budgets
• Work with the Requirements Analyst and project (engineers) team to come up with strategies to reduce project cost

Client Management:
• Explain the project implementation methodology in proposed solutions to Clients and others (where applicable)
• Articulate design rationale and function strategy as it directly relates to accomplishing goals set out (where applicable)

> Done throughout the life of the project if new client or technical requirements necessitate new design or function strategy
• Present work to the client at milestones throughout the implementation
• Obtain, discuss and follow-through with feedback from client

> Work with client against scope creep and endeavor to keep project focused within scope
• Train clients on use of delivered work
• Investigate and answer clients’ questions
• Support & help trouble-shoot delivered work during project and post-project
• Ensure client expectations are met in terms of quality of product and service delivered
• Provide soft-sales (up-selling opportunities) or articulate these opportunities to the appropriate channels
• Ensure post implementation visit exercise is done and documented

• Keep abreast of new technologies as they relate to our business development
• Create time estimates for work to be performed
• Will be responsible for multiple projects at one time
• Work with project standard tools e.g. MS Project, Vision, Enterprise Project Server
• Shared Quality Assurance duties
• Ensure project engineers submits timesheets as appropriate.

How to Apply:
All applications must be submitted online or sent to within a week and emails must have the title of the job being applied for.

Only successful applicants will be contacted. Applicants must state working telephone numbers at which they can be reached during office hours

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Human Resource Generalist - Nigeria Job at Wild Fusion Limited

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 06:13 AM PST

Job Title: Human Resource Generalist
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Employer: Wild Fusion Limited

Job Purpose: Supports operating units by implementing human resources programs; solving performance problems.

Job Duties:
• Implements human resources programs by providing human resources services, including talent acquisition, staffing, employment processing, compensation, health and welfare benefits, training and development, records management, safety and health, succession planning, employee relations and retention, AA/EEO compliance, and labor relations; completing personnel transactions.
• Develops human resources solutions by collecting and analyzing information; recommending courses of action.
• Act as Support Executive to the Managing Director
• Improves manager and employee performance by identifying and clarifying problems; evaluating potential solutions; implementing selected solution; coaching and counseling managers and employees.
• Development of a superior workforce.
• Development of the Human Resources department.
• Development of an employee-oriented company culture that emphasizes quality, continuous improvement, and high performance.
• Personal ongoing development.
• Completes special projects by clarifying project objective; setting timetables and schedules; conducting research; developing and organizing information; fulfilling transactions.
• Manages client expectations by communicating project status and issues; resolving concerns; analyzing time and cost issues; preparing reports.
• Prepares reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing data and trends.
• Protects organization’s value by keeping information confidential.
• Complies with federal, state, and local legal requirements by studying existing and new legislation; anticipating legislation; enforcing adherence to requirements; advising management on needed actions.
• Support the admin department of the business.
• Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.
• Enhances department and organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.

Desired Skills and Experience:
Skills/Qualifications: Performance Management, Training Management, Maintaining Employee Files, People Skills, Resolving Conflict, Employment Law, Project Management, Office Experience – General, Reporting Skills, Verbal Communication, Administrative Writing Skills
• Degree from a reputable university
• At least 3 years relevant experience
• Experience in an advertising or media environment will be an added advantage

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Director of Agency and Brokerage - Nigeria Job at Troloppe Property Services

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 06:09 AM PST

Job Title: Director of Agency and Brokerage
Location: Nigeria
Employer: Troloppe Property Services

Job description:
Consulting – Real Estate Valuation Services – Director

The Agency & Brokerage Practices at Troloppe Property Services are full-service practices providing a deep breadth of capability, services and an innovative approach to the real estate industry. Our team combines real estate advisory, development, agency & brokerage and market research expertise to provide integrated solutions. Our collaborative team approach enables an array of experts to assist in providing solutions to all real estate sectors.

We are currently looking for a Director to join Troloppe property services a well-established and growing property services business affiliated with a top 8 global services firm. As part of this exciting team, you will have the opportunity to combine your specialist technical skills and knowledge of real estate to advise clients on all aspects of real estate sales and leasing activities

Responsibilities: – Develop and maintain clients and assist in the Commercial, Residential & Retail Sales and Leases – Manage and develop existing client base using our Real Estate Contact Relationship Mangement Software – Supervise and mentor staff – Generate new briefs and mandates for Agency & Brokerage in Commercial, Residential & Retail sectors. – Assist in generating strategic partnerships with international organisations

You have high expectations for yourself and your career. So does Troloppe. Imagine what we will achieve together.

You want your next step to be the right one. You’ve worked hard to get where you are today. And now you’re ready to use your unique skills, talents and personality to achieve great things. Troloppe is a place where you are valued as an individual, mentored as a future leader, and recognized for your accomplishments and potential. Working directly with clients, key decision makers and business owners across various industries and geographies, you’ll move quickly along the learning curve and our clients will benefit from your fresh perspective.

This opportunity will allow you to join an integrated team of real estate professionals as a partner sharing in the ownership of the business. As a business partner you will be joining an already established business, without having to provide equity, your skills and expertise is enough.

The office is set up in a modern work space in a high profile building in Lagos, all the tools required are provided, including office equipment, office admin costs and each department is provided with a car. The remuneration structure is based on a profit sharing after reasonable operational costs have been deducted from your specific department.

Desired Skills and Experience: – Six or more years experience providing real estate sales and leasing services, preferably with a local or international firm – Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college/university. – A professional qualification / certification in real estate.. – Membership and required qualifications with a local and or international body is preferred. – Extensive knowledge of the real estate industry. – Strong analytical and interpersonal skills – The ability to build strong, effective working relationships within Troloppe and with clients as well as work on your own initiative. – Strong commercial acumen and market awareness. – Client interaction will be extensive and, therefore, excellent oral and written communication skills along with the ability to write clear, concise reports are critical. – Ability to travel as required.

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Business Development Manager - Nigeria Job at Kajid Group

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 05:58 AM PST

Job Title: Business Development Manager
Location: Abuja, Nigeria
Employer: Kajid Group

Job description:
The ideal candidate will be responsible for the following:
• Building formal writing proposal and business model design for the business.
• Write, analyze and evaluate reports on projects
• Issue a monthly Sales and Marketing report of the Industry to our clients, with specific documents when need be for each of them
• Build key relationships with personnel in all the major stakeholders in the construction industry
• Follow up on a daily basis required project or tendering information
• Obtaining and updating Organization charts and any other documents that the company require or provide to its clients and Identifying key decision makers
• Writing feasibility reports on the key projects, market analysis and client
• Provide documents to support business plan and be able to produce a capture plan after a project is prequalified and follow up on prequalified adverts
• Obtaining and updating and reporting competitors strengths and weaknesses
• Track, investigate and register activity of our Client s Competition and able to understand prequalification requirements
• Identify areas of opportunity through company Client strengths and Competitors weaknesses and generate internal monthly activity report
• Protect company intellectual property & maintain confidentiality.
• Clear understanding of organizational protocol for all companies and Governmental and Non Governmental Bodies having direct and indirect influence on the implementation of the company Client strategy. Identifying key decision makers.
• Participate as a member of the Group Senior Management Team
• Represent the Company at conferences and exhibitions

Desired Skills and Experience:
• Must have good Sales and Marketing/ business development background and a real business planner.
• Should have minimum of 5 years experience
• Clear understanding of the organization protocol for the Real Estate and Construction Industry
• Good computer skills, especially with Visio, power point, excel etc.
• Team Player, pursuing common goals
• Familiar with the Nigerian business environment
• Strategic thinker
• Strong written and oral communication skills.
• Sound business judgment in determining what issues need to be elevated to appropriate level of authority.
• Working knowledge of common software tools (Excel, Word & MS Office Outlook)

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Sales Representative Job at Rossvi Industries Nigeria Ltd

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 04:18 AM PST

Job Title: Sales Representative
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Employer: Rossvi Industries Nigeria Ltd

Rossvi Industries Nigeria Ltd is a newly established Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company in Badagry, Lagos,Nigeria and is seeking to employ Animal Health Scientists as Sales Representatives.

How to Apply:
Qualified candidates should apply online or send a letter of application and CVs to before the 10th of February, 2014.

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Production Pharmacist Job at Rossvi Industries Nigeria Ltd

Posted: 18 Jan 2014 04:11 AM PST

Job Title: Production Pharmacist
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Employer: Rossvi Industries Nigeria Ltd

Rossvi Industries Nigeria Ltd is a newly established Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company in Badagry, Lagos,Nigeria and is seeking to employ a Production Pharmacist.

How to Apply:
Qualified candidates should apply online or send a letter of application and CVs to before the 10th of February, 2014.

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