Saturday, 15 February 2014


Read: Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." ( Proverbs 3:5-6 ) NLT
Thoughts for Today

Hurry sickness can affect every area of our lives-including the people we care most about. When we are so busy that it's hurry, hurry, hurry all the time, we often hurt those we love, especially our family. By putting our to-do lists above their needs. By neglecting to spend quality time with them. By being so wrapped up in what we are doing that we are not sensitive to what is happening in their lives.

The pursuits that keep us so busy might be worthwhile. Serving as a parent officer for our child's team or club. Volunteering at church. Serving at a community kitchen. Helping our neighbors. Being active in a ministry. Even if our motives for getting involved in all the busyness were good, sometimes we get so wrapped up in the doing that we begin to suffer from hurry sickness. And one of the first things that happens is distorted priorities-and that affects our relationships.

They should understand, we think. After all, I'm doing this for them (or for a good cause). But our most important cause is right there at home. When our activities, no matter how worthwhile they seem, begin to have negative effects on our spouse or our children, it's time to reevaluate.

Consider this ...

Hurry sickness can sneak up on us. We are scurrying along taking care of all we've committed to do, getting busier and busier. Then something is said or done in our family that shocks us into realizing that something is wrong. Without meaning to, we have allowed all these good pursuits to interfere with our relationship with God-and with those we care about the most.

It's time to ask our family how they feel. It's time to seek God's point of view-and His guidance. It's time to get some of the hurry out of our life and focus on what counts the most.
Father, I didn't mean for this to happen. I just kept getting involved in one activity after another. I wanted to do good. But I realize now that I became so focused on what I wanted to do, that I took my focus off You and my family. Please forgive me. Help me to find my way back to doing things Your way. In Jesus' name ...
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Read: Psalm 23:2
"He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams." ( Psalm 23:2 ) NLT
Thoughts for Today

Hurry sickness not only affects our relationship with God; it also takes a toll on our physical and emotional well-being. God does not want our lives to be controlled by busyness. He wants us to rest in green meadows and walk beside peaceful streams.

Picture yourself moving step-by-step through a typically busy-even frantic-day. Does your body tense just thinking about it? Does your mind shoot off in a dozen directions thinking of things you need to do? Putting ourselves through this kind of daily pressure is a choice. Yes, all of us have responsibilities that we need to fulfill. But when we let those responsibilities take control of our lives, we lose the rest and peace that God intends for us. The rest and peace that we need for our spirit, soul, and body.

Hurry sickness produces stress. A short list of the effects of stress includes digestive problems, headaches, sleeplessness, irritability, depression, obesity, and heart disease. This is not God's plan for us.

During His walk on earth, Jesus recognized the need for solitude-and He taught His disciples to take time for themselves.

Then Jesus said, "Let's go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile." He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn't even have time to eat. So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone. Mark 6:31-32 NLT

Consider this ...

Imagine yourself living out the picture in today's scripture. Lying in a green meadow-resting. Sauntering beside a peaceful stream. No pressures. No phone ringing. No to-do lists.

Each person's meadow and stream might look a little different. Sitting in a quiet spot reading a good book. Going out for a relaxed dinner. Hiking along rugged trails. Painting a picture. The list is endless. The important thing is to set time aside for yourself doing something you enjoy. Get away from the chaos regularly. You may think you can't afford the time away from your responsibilities. The truth is, this time of respite will help you handle your responsibilities more efficiently-and with much less stress.

Take time for yourself!
Father, I am tired. I am tense so much of the time-irritable with those I love. I know you want me to rest. To experience your peace. Please teach me to take time for myself so I will be healthier spirit, soul, and body. So I will take care of my responsibilities more effectively. So I will be more sensitive to others' needs. So I will live a life more pleasing and productive for You. In Jesus' na
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Read: Matthew 14:23
"After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone." ( Matthew 14:23 ) NIV
Thoughts for Today

When we get so busy that we are neglecting our time of lingering with God, we are too busy. When our responsibilities are the heaviest is when we need that time with Him the most.

We can learn from Jesus. During the time He walked on earth, He had greater responsibility than any of us will ever even think about having, and He knew His time was limited. But He never let the "doing" interfere with His time with the Father. As we can see in today's scripture, He left the crowds ... and even the disciples ... to spend time alone with the Father. He lingered in prayer.

When we think we are too busy to spend quality time with God-praying and meditating on His Word-we are fooling ourselves. It is only when we linger with the Father that everything else in our life can fall into place. It is only when we spend time with Him that we can overcome hurry sickness.

Consider this ...

How busy are you? Do you have days when you feel you can barely "keep your head above water"? How has the busyness affected your personal relationship with God? Have you put your time with Him on the back burner-something to take care of when you get a chance? Or are you neglecting that quiet time altogether?

During one of Jesus' visits to the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, Mary lingered at the feet of Jesus while Martha worked frantically in the kitchen, trying to prepare a meal that was just right. She complained to Jesus that Mary wasn't helping her and urged Him to send Mary into the kitchen to help. Here is how Jesus responded:

But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:41-42 NLT

Martha was letting the details of doing everything just right control her. Mary had learned to linger at the feet of Jesus.

Learn to linger!
Father, I know I've been neglecting my quiet time with you. I realize now that the more I have neglected You, the more I've let the busy details of everyday living control me. My priorities have been out of order, and I have become more and more frustrated. Please forgive me and help me learn to linger before You. In Jesus' name ...
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Read: Psalm 46:10
"Cease striving and know that I am God." ( Psalm 46:10 ) NASB
Thoughts for Today

One of the biggest enemies of our spirituality is hurry. We are so busy, so distracted, and so preoccupied that we settle for something less than the authentic Christian life. In our fast-paced culture, there is an epidemic of hurry sickness.

Do you ever find yourself texting several people at once, talking to two or three at a time on the phone, and all the while Googling something on your computer? And we demand instant results. Faster Internet. Faster food. Faster results. Faster answers. We want it--and we want it now! Hurry!

We juggle careers, family responsibilities, social obligations, and volunteer activities. We hurry to fit more and more in. And we are teaching our kids to do the same. School kids fall in bed exhausted after homework, sports, and a myriad of activities.

If you feel as though you are always running behind and wish that your day could be 36 hours long, you are probably suffering from hurry sickness. The results? Constant stress. Frustration. Fatigue. Strained relationships. Mixed-up priorities. And most important--neglect of time with God. That neglect can rob you of the rest and peace He wants to give you.

Consider this ...

In today's scripture, God calls us to cease striving and know that He is God. In other words, stop trying so hard to do it all. Stop trying to do it on your own. Stop struggling. Remember that He is God. We need to spend quiet time with Him. We need to remember that He is in control. He wants us to put Him first and to rest in Him. To lean on Him for help. We need to let Him guide us in balancing our lives. To focus on Him and His plan--not our own. Only then will we be able to step off the treadmill of hurry and experience His peace.
Father, I am so tired of being so busy. I have so much going on, I know I am neglecting some of the most important things. At the top of that list is my time with You. Please forgive me. Help me to get my life and time in balance. Help me to remember to focus on you and to depend on your strength. Please heal me of this hurry sickness. In Jesus' name ...
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Read: Romans 3:23-24
"For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God\'s glorious standard. Yet God, with undeserved kindness, declares that we are righteous. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins." ( Romans 3:23-24 ) NLT
Thoughts for Today
Perhaps the most difficult-and important-kind of leaning is leaning on Jesus for finding peace with God. Difficult only because we make it so. Many people have been kept from finding peace with God because of an independent I can do it myself way of thinking. If I can just be good enough ... do enough nice things.

But the Bible tells us there is only one way to God: Jesus Christ. Jesus has paid the price for our sins. All we have to do is lean on him, receiving his gift of forgiveness, and become his follower.

Consider this ...
If you have not yet received forgiveness through Jesus and made the choice to follow him, you can do it right now. Recognize that this is something you cannot do on your own ... and lean on Jesus.
... Father, I have tried to live a good life, but I realize now that I can't earn my way into a relationship with you. I thank you that Jesus died on the cross for me. I ask forgiveness for my sins in his name and want to follow him in every area of my life. In Jesus' name ...
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Read: Galatians 6:2-5
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.... Each one should test his own actions.... each one should carry his own load." ( Galatians 6:2-5 ) NIV
Thoughts for Today
As we lean on God, he often answers our prayers through other people. He calls Christians to lean on each other.

Although independence is not always admirable, interdependence is a biblical principle that carries the idea of mutual dependency.

There are times when you need to lean on others, allowing them to demonstrate God's love by helping you through a difficult time. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It is a step of reaching out for one of God's provisions for you-the Christian community.

Consider this ...
It is important to recognize that there is a difference between leaning on others and using them. (Also a difference between helping others and allowing them to use you.)

We are to carry each other's burdens, but we are also to carry our own load. Carrying our own load means taking personal responsibility. It is a matter of finding the right balance. These verses describe that kind of balance: "Get along among yourselves, each of you doing your part. Our counsel is that you warn the freeloaders to get a move on. Gently encourage the stragglers, and reach out for the exhausted, pulling them to their feet. Be patient with each person, attentive to individual needs. And be careful that when you get on each other's nerves you don't snap at each other. Look for the best in each other, and always do your best to bring it out." 1 Thessalonians 5:13-15 MSG
... Father, help me not to be too proud to ask others for help. Also, help me never to take advantage of other people's willingness to give. Teach us to find the right balance in leaning on each other. In Jesus' name ...
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Read: Matthew 26:39
"He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, 'My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.'" ( Matthew 26:39 ) NLT
Thoughts for Today
God has a plan for each of our lives-a good plan. He wants us to trust in him and his love and to lean into his plans for us.
As we make our plans and set our goals day to day, year to year, we need to submit our plans and our desires to him. We need to come to the point where we can follow Jesus' example and honestly say, "I want your will to be done, not mine."

Consider this ...
Sometimes God's plan is different from ours. But it is always better. He has the "big picture." He knows how all things will work together for the ultimate good.

God loves you unconditionally. Are you willing to return his love by saying, "Father, I want your will to be done, not mine."
... Father, help me not to ever let selfishness or arrogance keep me from submitting to your plan for my life. I know you love me and want what is best for my loved ones and me. Help me give my desires to you and trust you completely. In Jesus' name ...
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Read: Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." ( Proverbs 3:5-6 ) NIV
Thoughts for Today
In today's scripture, Solomon gives us two options regarding what to trust: God or our own understanding. God is calling us to lean away from the conventional wisdom of self-reliance, and trust (or lean on) the wisdom of God. God wants us to acknowledge his wisdom and trust him in every area of our lives.

What should I do about this relationship? ... Which job should I seek? ... How will I make the mortgage payment this month? ... How can I help my daughter? ... What do I do about this decision?

No matter what problem or challenge or circumstance you might be facing, God wants to help. But you have a choice to make: Are you going to lean on your own understanding ... or are you going to trust God?

Consider this ...
Leaning is all about trust. If you are going to lean against a wall, you have to trust that the wall is not going to collapse, that it will support your weight.

If you are going to lean on God, you need to be ready to trust him. Is he wise enough to help you? Is he interested in helping you? Does he understand the situation and know what is really best for you and for everyone involved?

If you are willing to study the Scriptures with an open heart and mind, you will soon discover that the answer to all these questions is yes. God loves you with a love so great that we can't begin to fathom it. And his wisdom knows no bounds. Begin leaning on him today.
... Father, I do want to trust you so that I can truly lean on you. Help me to understand the Scriptures and how they apply to me. Help me to trust you and lean on your wisdom. In Jesus' name ...
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Read: Proverbs 26:12
"Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him." ( Proverbs 26:12 ) NIV
Thoughts for Today

Leaning does not come easily to most of us. Today's culture lifts up personal independence as such a virtue that we have developed an "I can do it myself" mentality. We often see leaning as a sign of weakness.

I can deal with this situation myself-I don't need anyone's help. ... I don't have to visit those porno websites-I can stop whenever I want to. ... I don't need any help with my son; he will straighten up. ... I don't want your charity-I am getting along just fine.

Consider this ...

It is OK to lean-in fact, according to the Bible if we are wise we will recognize our need for God's help. And sometimes he sends that help through other people.

Are you dealing with a challenge, a problem, that is causing you frustration and stress? It's a sign of wisdom-not weakness-to ask God for help.
Father, I have always wanted to feel that I could handle whatever life brings me on my own. I recognize now what a mistake that has been and ask for your help in this situation. In Jesus' name ...
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Read: Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.] Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest, relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls. For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good--not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne." ( Matthew 11:28-30 ) AMP
Thoughts for Today

Many pursuits can lead to hurry sickness. Owning a business or pursuing a career. Being involved in ministry. Focusing on a hobby or developing a talent. Volunteering at church or for community service. Caring for an aging parent or a loved one who is ill. The list is endless. All these are good things to do-unless we allow them to overwhelm us and control our lives. Then the busyness can take our focus off God and spending time with Him. Or put us in a constant state of stress, resulting in emotional and physical turmoil. Or interfere with our relationships with family and others we care about. Or all the above.

The causes of busyness may vary. The results may vary. But the answer is always the same: Jesus.

Jesus knows we will have challenges to overcome. He knows we may allow ourselves to get so busy we do harm to ourselves-and even others. He understands-but this is not His plan for us. In today's scripture, He invites us to come to Him-He will give us rest.

Consider this ...

Are you tired of the constant hurry? Do you feel heavy-laden and overburdened? Jesus says, "Come." He will give you rest. He will ease and relieve the stress and refresh you. He promises that by coming to Him, you will find rest, relief, ease, refreshment, recreation, and blessed quiet! If you are willing to do things His way, to follow Him, and to depend on His strength, He will take away the painful pressure and replace it with comfort and pleasantness.

You may feel that you have to do the things you are doing. There is no way out of the stress. But Jesus says there is-through Him. If you are willing to focus on Him first, He will show you the way. He will help you make choices. He will give you the strength to do the things He calls you to do. And He will take away the stress and replace it with peace.
Father, I need your help. I am so busy I don't even have time to think. Jesus, I come to You for rest. Please take away the stress and replace it with Your peace. Please show me what you want me to do-and give me the strength to accomplish it. In Your name ...
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Latest Jobs in Nigeria

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From: " - Nigerian job portal!" <>
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 06:01:43 +0000
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Subject: Latest Jobs in Nigeria

Latest Jobs in Nigeria

Accounts and Finance Manager - Nigeria Job at HReade Limited

Posted: 15 Feb 2014 01:05 PM PST

Job Title: Accounts and Finance Manager
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Recruiter: HReade Limited

REPORTS TO: Managing Director

WORK RELATIONSHIPS: Managing Director, Operations Manager, Shipping and Logistics Manager, Accounts and Finance Officer

JOB SUMMARY: Responsible for managing the accounting and finance functions of the business. Oversees the general ledger accounts and ensures the accuracy of financial reports to management. Responsible for implementing and enforcing the organisation’s accounting procedures and internal control systems. Directs the activity of staff in maintaining books of accounts, as well as preparing standard reports and statements.

These responsibilities are more specific and do not include other tasks and activities depending on needs and as required by the company.

General Accounting;
• Manages daily accounting and reporting activities including preparing and/or reviewing appropriate ledger entries and reconciliations.
• Maintains the general ledger system.
• Establishes, examines and analyzes accounting records, financial statements, and other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards. Ensures integrity of financial statements.
• Prepares and reviews monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements; assists with regulatory reporting as applicable.
• Prepares financial analysis and financial reports and statistics.
• Analyzes monthly financial information detailing assets, liabilities and capital and prepares balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and other reports to summarize current and projected company financial position.
• Creates journal entries and adjustments.
• Keeps accurate records of monthly payroll calculations, payments and deductions.
• Manages bank reconciliation.
• Manages petty cash reconciliation.
• Manages accounts receivable.
• Manages accounts payable.
• Manages cost accounting.
• Maintains and reconciles fixed asset schedules.
• Prepares and reconciles balance sheet accounts including; asset, liability, and capital account entries by compiling and analyzing account information.
• Ensures that accounting functions and duties are accurately and promptly completed including overseeing and scheduling the activities of the financial close.

How to Apply:
Interested and suitable candidates should apply online or send resumes to

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Sales and Marketing Executive - Nigeria Job at Blossom Enterprise

Posted: 15 Feb 2014 01:36 AM PST

Job Title: Sales and Marketing Executive
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Employer: Blossom Enterprise

A fast growing company based in Lagos is looking to recruit a proactive, dedicated and highly motivated individual to kick start the marketing department of her firm.

• Identify and develop new markets and business opportunities in the region in order to create strong awareness of the company products.
• Achieve the set revenue, yields and volume targets.
• Maintain and develop relationships with new and existing clients
• Aggressive marketing of company products
• Meet aggressive sales targets.
• Maintain client relationship
• Achieve the designated individual sales target.
• Meeting customers and closing sales.
• Maintaining sales details/ registers / quotes.

• A bachelors degree or equivalent.
• Minimum of two years working experience in the marketing field.
• Positive mental attitude and Self motivated.
• Ability to identify business opportunities and viable prospects.
• Good communication skills.
• Strong analytical skills.
• High level of confidence.
• Good interpersonal skills.
• Agile, intelligent, proactive, self-motivating.
• Abililty to work with minimum supervision.
• Ability to maintain a professional appearance and providing a positive company image to the public.
• Willingness to work a flexible schedule.
• Ability to develop and deliver presentations.
• Ability to work well as part of a team.
• Creativity and problem-solving skills.

• Monthly bonus
• Commission on every sales made
• Travelling Allowance

How to Apply:
Interested applicants should apply online or forward detailed CV to on or before 30th March,2014.

All candidates should quote the position applied for as the subject of the mails. Applicants must reside in Lagos.

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Graduate Trainee - Nigeria Job at Pearl Group of Companies

Posted: 15 Feb 2014 12:40 AM PST

Job Title: Graduate Trainee
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Scheme: Graduate Trainee Scheme
Employer: Pearl Group of Companies

• Minimum Second Class Upper degree in any discipline.
• Must have completed the NYSC scheme.
• Be analytical minded and be a fast learner.
• Be confidence and possess leadership skills.
• Be a self starter
• Must be able to secure and deliver presentation
• Ability to work well as part of a team.
• Good organizational and interpersonal skills.
• Willingness to work a flexible schedule.

How to Apply:
Interested applicants should apply online or forward detailed CV to on or before 30th March,2014.

All candidates should quote the position applied for as the subject of the mails. Applicants must reside in Lagos.

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Relationship Manager - Nigeria Job at Fajkan Travels and Tours

Posted: 13 Feb 2014 12:44 AM PST

Job Title: Relationship Manager (RM)
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Employer: Fajkan Travels and Tours

Job description:
• Setting up meetings with new clients
• Researching the latest products and regulations
• Looking for new sales opportunities

To be successful in this job, you need to have:
• Excellent communication and listening skills
• The ability to explain complex information clearly and simply
• Good sales and negotiation skills
• An interest in the Aviation and Tourism industries from a global perspective
• Good analytical skills and ability to research information
• Plenty of drive, initiative and motivation
• An honest and trustworthy manner
• Attention to detail
• The ability to analyse

Qualities of the ideal candidate:
• Minimum of National Diploma, ND (HND/B.Sc. can also apply)
• 0 – 1 year experience in marketing
• Good looking and having a good sense of dressing
• Should not be more than 35 years as at time of application

How to Apply:
Interested candidates should apply online or send their CVs to:

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Christie the target of cyber abuse

Short track speed skater Elise Christie has revealed she has been the victim of cyber abuse during the Winter Olympics.

The 23-year-old Scot suffered disappointment for the second time this week after being disqualified in her 1500 metres heat on Saturday.
Christie, who was also penalised in the 500m final on Thursday, deleted her Twitter account the next day.

"I have had a few people threatening me, cyber bullying basically," Christie told BBC Two.

After consulting with Team GB officials, it was decided her account should be shut down to allow her to focus on competing.

"I have had to deal with abuse on the internet as well," she said. "So, I have found it hard."

Christie, who will race in her favoured 1000m event on Tuesday, looked more relaxed before putting in a final burst which allowed her to edge Italy's Arianna Fontana in a photo-finish before she was penalised and placed in last position.

Within minutes, it emerged that the Scot had been sanctioned for an infringement at the finish line.
Christie's result was initially flagged up as 'penalty' which was later changed to 'DNF' (did not finish) after it emerged that she crossed the line outside the track.

"I was heading out to watch my team-mate race, then I saw I had got a penalty," said a bewildered Christie. "I had no physical contact with anyone, so I have no idea what I was penalised for.

"I was playing safe after the 500m final by trying not to be near anyone. I am gobsmacked - I expected the decision the other day, but not now."
Christie says she must now refocus for the 1000m.

"I have found it hard, but it is not always about medals," she said. "I have to keep pushing through.

"I need to find a reason to respect the referee's decision. At the moment, I have no idea what is going on."
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Tiwa Savage was arrested for insulting policeman

Forte Oil ambassador and top Nigerian female singer, Tiwa Savage was arrested in front of Eko
Hotel for removing a policeman's cap from his head yesterday.

Tiwa had allegedly violated a traffic law, so the policeman stopped her. Allegedly during the course of their interaction, out of annoyance, Tiwa forcefully removed the officer's cap and threw it away…then arrested and taken away.
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Tributes paid to England great Finney

Tributes have been paid to former Preston North End and England winger Tom Finney, following his death at the age of 91.

Finney, who earned 76 caps for his country, is considered one of the greatest players England ever produced.

"The likes of Bill Shankly and Tommy Docherty idolised him," said former England defender Jimmy Armfield.

Docherty, who played with Finney, said: "He was the best player I've ever seen, alongside Lionel Messi."

"I watch a lot of Barcelona and when I watch Messi, I close my eyes and can see Tom. I'm serious when I say that Messi is the Tom Finney of today.

"Just like Finney, Messi is always getting fouled, but doesn't complain and just gets up and gets on with the game."

Finney is joint sixth on England's all-time scoring list with 30 goals, alongside Nat Lofthouse and Alan Shearer.

He played in three World Cups between 1950 and 1958, and spent his entire 14-year career at Preston, for whom he played more than 400 times.

"The two words always went together - Preston and Finney," added BBC Radio 5 live pundit Armfield.

"I remember taking the FA team out to the Far East. We were out in Hong Kong and somebody asked me where I lived. I said Blackpool and they asked how do you get to Blackpool? I said, you get a train and change at Preston. As soon as I said Preston, he said 'ah, Tom Finney'.

"When he finished playing, he did some reporting for a Sunday newspaper and he used to cover matches. I was playing for England at Cardiff against Wales and I got injured.

"I remember [former England manager] Walter Winterbottom asking me, 'how are you going to get home?' I was hobbling and, just at that moment, Tom knocked on the door of the dressing room, came in and asked me if I'd like him to drop me off.

"It hit me then. He didn't have to do that but he'd been a player and I'd played against him. No more than that."

Finney scored 187 league goals for North End and was comfortable occupying any position across the forward line.

Although team silverware eluded him as he finished as a league runner-up in 1953 and 1958, as well as a losing FA Cup finalist in 1954, he was twice named Football Writers' Player of the Year.

"If Tom was injured and couldn't play, Preston would delay naming the team until after 2pm on a Saturday because the gates would halve if he wasn't on the teamsheet," added Docherty, who himself played over 300 times for the club.

"If Gareth Bale is worth £100m, then Sir Tom would be worth far in excess of that in today's market. In fact, there is not enough money in football to buy him."

To mark his passing, Preston's players will wear black armbands and shirts with the name 'Finney' on the back - as well as their respective squad numbers - for the home match against Leyton Orient on Saturday (15:00 GMT). A minute's silence will be held before the game at Deepdale.
"In my time as Preston manager, he used to come in on a Friday morning and he would sit there and spend the whole morning signing autographs and books," said Craig Brown, who managed the club between 2002 and 2004.

"I know he cared for his late wife Elsie when she was ill and he diligently wouldn't bring in help - he wanted to do it all himself. This was a man of the utmost calibre and dignity."
Howard Kendall, who would later manage Everton, joined Preston as a schoolboy shortly after Finney's retirement in 1960 and recalls guidance offered to him by the club legend.

"He was so important to the Preston team that he played despite carrying injuries," said Kendall, who in 1964 became the youngest player to play in a Wembley FA Cup final at the age of 17.
"One very important piece of advice he gave me was to never to do the same. He said 'it is not the number of games you play in a season that counts, it is the number of seasons you play'.

"Bill Shankly once said that when it came to comparing Sir Tom with Sir Stanley Matthews, he would choose Sir Tom. When 'Shanks' said that, you had to listen."

Finney was knighted in 1998 and, according to Armfield, continued to love the game.

Sir Bobby Charlton, England's record goalscorer, describes Finney's contribution to English football as "immeasurable", but many former players reflect on his demeanour off the pitch as a defining characteristic.

Former England midfielder Rodney Marsh, who played for Fulham, QPR and Manchester City during the 1960s and 70s, said Finney represented a different era.

"He came from a time of gentleman footballers where they were always properly dressed, wore a jacket and tie and acted accordingly," he said.
"They would go to the games with the fans, and we'll never see the like of that again.

"I've always had the highest possible respect and esteem for Tom Finney. It was like being in the company of greatness."
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Ethiopia's Genzebe Dibaba sets third record of the month

Ethiopia's Genzebe Dibaba set her third world best in 15 days by shattering the indoor two-mile record at the Birmingham Indoor Grand Prix.

The 23-year-old's time of nine minutes and 0.48 seconds eclipsed Meseret Defar's mark by almost six seconds.

Dibaba, sister of three-time Olympic champion Tirunesh, already owns the world 3,000m and 1500m  indoor records.

Elsewhere, British indoor champion James Dasaolu won the men's 60m despite suffering an injury during the race.

The 26-year-old Londoner posted the quickest time of the year in the heats, clocking 6.47 seconds, but his 6.50-second victory in the final was marred by an injury sustained in the final 10m.

Paula Radcliffe
Marathon world record holder
"It was an outstanding run by Genzebe Dibaba and a world best achieved almost totally on her own.

She definitely did tire but you'd expect that at the pace she was running. It all bodes well for the outdoor season, we just need to see what distance she comes out and races over. We could see her do something special in anything from 1500m to 10,000m, but certainly the 5,000m."

Dasaolu, a medal hope for next month's World Indoor Championships, later said he suspected it was cramp after initially fearing a hamstring problem.

"My left leg felt tight at about 40-50m. I think it's cramp, but I'll go and see the doctors and see what they say," said Dasaolu, who was clutching his left leg while crossing the line.
British Athletics medical staff said the sprinter would be assessed further on Monday.

It was the final race of the day, however, which drew a standing ovation from a sell-out crowd who applauded Dibaba's incredible feat.
The Ethiopian was expected to better compatriot Defar's time of 9:06.28, set in Prague in 2009, and did so convincingly, despite slowing towards the end.

Her feat is a world best rather than a world record as the two miles race is not an official world record event.

Dibaba, who is also the sister of Olympic silver medallist Ejegayehu Dibaba, broke the 3,000m world indoor record by 13 seconds on 6 February. That record in Stockholm came just five days after she had set the 1500m world indoor mark in Karlsruhe, Germany.

It was a photo finish in the women's 60m, with Murielle Ahoure taking victory despite 100m world and Olympic champion Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce crossing the line in the same time of 7.10 seconds.

There was a personal best for Scotland's Laura Muir, who held off a late challenge from Sifan Hassan of the Netherlands to win a thrilling 1500m in 4:05.32.

"I'm so happy. I knew I was in good shape and that it was a matter of running a good race," said Muir, now second behind Dame Kelly Holmes on the UK all-time women's 1500m indoor list.

Olympic champion Greg Rutherford, who ruptured a hamstring in 2013 and failed to qualify for the World Championships final in Moscow, came third in his first indoor long jump competition in four years.

His best of 8.00m was not enough to beat world champion Aleksandr Menkov (8.14m).
Olympic bronze medallist Robbie Grabarz (2.27m) could only finish third behind winner Erik Kynard (2.34m) in the men's long jump.

Holly Bleasdale, the European indoor champion, won the women's pole vault by 10cm. The 23-year-old from Preston could not improve on her winning height of 4.71m, despite three attempts at 4.77m.
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Man City defeated Chelsea 2-0 on FA Cup today

Full-time: Man City 2-0 Chelsea
Nasri doubles hosts' lead on 67 mins
Jovetic scores City opener on 16 mins

* Full-time: Cardiff 1-2 Wigan
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UK floods: What to do when your home is at risk

Knowing how to prepare for a flood can limit the damage to your home
The sight of homes across England and Wales being surrounded and enveloped by marauding flood waters has become all too common.

But what should victims do when the flood siren is sounded and the heavens begin to open?

And what is the first thing they should do when their homes are invaded by the floods and their belonging destroyed?

Here those closely involved with combating floods offer their guidance on what to do when flooding is on the way and how to cope in the aftermath.

Sandbag or flood board?

As the rain has come down, anxious homeowners have scrambled to stockpile sandbags in a bid to protect their homes from the advancing waters.

However, some experts warn that building a barrier of sandbags may not be the best preparation for a flood.

The Environment Agency points out that sandbags are "ineffective for groundwater flooding", even where they are cheap and easy to get hold of.

The agency says sandbags can take a long time to fill and are cumbersome to manoeuvre.

A better option may be to use "flood boards" to block doorways and air brick covers.

As flood waters approach contact your insurance provider "as soon as possible" and move as many possessions as possible upstairs as you can, the British Insurance Brokers' Association (BIBA) says.

Electricity and gas should be switched off and mains water should not be drunk as it may become contaminated.

The BIBA says furniture should be pulled away from walls to prevent potential further damage and warns that drying out a building can take "months" - so "don't be in a hurry to redecorate".

Planning ahead for flooding is crucial to minimise damage to your home

Planning for flooding

Mary Dhonau, who is often consulted on how to fight floods, a flood consultant, says the most important advice to potential flood victims is to write their own emergency household plan as soon as possible.

The Worcester resident, who says she has lost count of the number of times she has been flooded, has spent the last few months offering advice to those who have been flooded

When a flood warning is issued it is important to sit down and work out what you're going to do, Ms Dhonau says.

She says householders should clear an upstairs room ready to store furniture from the ground floor.

Central to the emergency plan is deciding where children and elderly relatives could stay and discussing it with everybody involved, she adds.

Mary Dhonau is often consulted on flood protection after her own home repeatedly flooded

If the waters come

If you're caught off-guard by flooding, your response should be mainly dictated by common sense, Ms Dhonau says.

Quickly prioritise and move your most treasured items to safety. Then grab whatever you can and move it upstairs.

Turn off all the electrics and gas and move any electrical items to safety, she says. Tie up curtains in knots so they do not hang close to the floor, and move your car to higher ground.

If you have access to sandbags then make sure they are in front of weak spots around the house. If there is time, gaffer tape some polythene sheeting to the house first.

"If the emergency services tell you to leave your home then do as you're told," she urges.

Be prepared that flooded homes can take months to repair

The cost of a flood

"There is nothing any of us can do about the forces of nature but we can all act to reduce the potential damage", says Eric Galbraith, chief executive of BIBA.

BIBA says that as long as you have an up-to-date household buildings and contents policy, you should be covered against damage by flooding.

Cars or vehicles swept up in flooding, should also be covered if you have comprehensive motor policies.

The association says the cost of alternative accommodation if your home is left inhabitable will "usually be met" by insurers, but warns you may only be covered up to a stated limit.

Flood damage to homes and businesses has cost insurers and those households who are uninsured, hundreds of millions of pounds during the last few years.

Mr Galbraith says: "It is too soon to estimate the true cost of the damage caused by this current flooding and it will take many months before the full extent of the bill facing many uninsured homeowners and insurance companies alike is known."

The aftermath

Returning to your flooded home for the first time can be very difficult. You should never do it alone and never take children with you, Mary Dhonau says.

Remember to be aware of hazards under the water and of slippery floors.

Don't touch anything without wearing gloves as you could be at risk of illness from the water.

If your house is at risk of repeated flooding it might be time to consider long term protection measures
Be prepared that your home will "absolutely stink" and your belongings are likely to be covered in "filthy brown stuff", she adds.

The first thing to do is call your insurers as soon as possible and begin collecting evidence for your claim.

Take photos of everything, including the contents of your fridge and freezer.

Cut up your carpet and throw it away to help speed up the drying process. Make sure you keep a sample for your insurance claim, though.

Open all your windows.

Start looking for new accommodation quickly before it is booked up, especially if a large area has been affected by flooding.

Be prepared that it could be up to nine months until you are able to return to your home.
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LIVE: Man City v Chelsea - as it happened

Full-time: Man City 2-0 Chelsea
Nasri doubles hosts' lead on 67 mins
Jovetic scores City opener on 16 mins

* Full-time: Cardiff 1-2 Wigan
Open Get involved
All times stated are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Over in Catalonia, Lionel Messi has just been revising history. You can get across it all in BBC Sport's live text. It will whet the appetite even more for Tuesday night's meeting with City.

The next domestic action here though is tomorrow's FA Cup when Everton meet Swansea before Liverpool and Arsenal go head to head. That doesn't need much selling either.

See you there.
More from Jose. It is not all as magnanimous as it first appears.

"The second goal was an offside but we would still have lost 1-0 as we were never close to scaring City in the game," he adds.

"'Today proved how difficult it is to win here, which shows how well my team did in the last game."

It's alright we haven't forgotten.
Our man on the Etihad ground Chris Bevan is in Jose Mourinho's post-match press conference. One game journalist has asked the Portuguese if his side have 'failed' him, echoing the words Mourinho used about Wenger a little over 24 hours ago.

"I don't say my team failed, I say City played much better than us, deserved much more than us to win," said Mourinho.

"The situation is simple to analyse: They were the best team, they won."
Man City 2-0 Chelsea

It is difficult to spin the match stats any other way than a fully deserved City win. Chelsea managed only three attempts at goal and not one was on target.
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Ciaran Fleming: (external) Can't wait to hear Mourinho's press conference now. Tactically out thought by Super Manuel.

Edwin Jabbari: (external) Pipe down Mourinho. That was as easy a victory as City have had all season.

Tyler Powell: (external) Last time out, Jose was a tactical mastermind. This meeting everyone says he hasn't a clue. My, the crowd is fickle.
Man City 2-0 Chelsea
Schadenfreude. Probably not Jose Mourinho's favourite German dish right now. After claiming Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger was "a specialist in failure" in his press conference on Friday, there will be plenty in north London who enjoyed that toothless display from his side.
Player reaction Man City 2-0 Chelsea

Manchester City defender Vincent Kompany, speaking to ITV: "It's a big victory against a strong team. We love this competition and it was a great game for the competition. We are really happy with the result. 12 days ago we had a bad game and we gave them too many chances, today we adapted and it was comfortable. The dressing room wanted revenge today, from the word go we were hard in the challenges, created a lot of chances and didn't give many chances away."

Man City 2-0 Chelsea
BBC Radio 5 live
"Here's Nasri, now to Silva, who plays it back at once..."

Enjoy commentary of Samir Nasri's goal for Manchester City via the BBC Radio 5 live website.
Manuel Pellegrini pressed flesh with Jose Mourinho before marching off down the tunnel. The Chilean's thoughts will now be turning to Barcelona side who have just taken a 1-0 lead over Rayo Vallecano in La La Liga.

City meet the Catalans at the Etihad on Tuesday in an absolute monster of a Champions League tie. Who would you pick for that one?
Man City 2-0 Chelsea
Danny Mills - at Etihad Stadium for 5 live Sport
"I think Chelsea will be very disappointed with their performance. In the end it was a comfortable win for Man City, who were much, much better. They were solid and denied Chelsea time and space throughout. You have to say, City thoroughly deserved their victory."

Enjoy reaction to today's FA Cup results on 5 live Sport right now.
FULL-TIME Man City 2-0 Chelsea
Manuel Pellegrini makes it to two wins from ten in his meetings with Jose Mourinho.
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Hajia Abiba Pokuaa Akua: (external) Mourihno is only an expert in mind games.

Pete Chew: (external) Oops. There goes Mourinho's 19th century tactics, down the drain. Another failed competition, Jose?

Kyle Henson: (external) City the better side today. Always hard to beat a team away twice in a week.

Man City 2-0 Chelsea
Manchester City fans are chanting Jose Mourinho's name now. I don't think they are being as complimentary as the Chelsea lot were earlier.

INJURY TIME Man City 2-0 Chelsea
Into injury time we go. Four minutes added on and Chelsea have given up the ghost. Forty-seven thousand odd have been in attendance.
Man City 2-0 Chelsea
Danny Mills - at Etihad Stadium for 5 live Sport
"Chelsea's goal attempts? Two. On target? Zero. You simply will not score goals unless you hit the target."

Enjoy Man City v Chelsea in the FA Cup on 5 live Sport right now.

Man City 2-0 Chelsea
Jesus Navas, all five foot not much of him, is penalised for going shoulder to shoulder with Cesar Azpilicueta. Harsh call and he had a clear run at goal had Phil Dowd stayed quiet.

Get Involved Text us on 81111
H: Many things wrong for Chelsea today. Mikel more of a hindrance than a help - too many fouls and he needs too many touches. And I haven't had a decent pass to a forwards feet.

Salah, Hazard, William have not had a kick. Poor, Chelsea today. City good value.

Rich in London: Still no shots on target for Chelsea. Going out with a whimper...

Nick from London: This is great news for Chelsea. I'm delighted that City are going block up their season with meaningless cup matches. The Premier League and Champions Legaue are 100 times more important!

Five to go Man City 2-0 Chelsea
Chelsea belatedly put a bit of pressure on as Joleon Lescott is forced to stretch and concede the visitor's first corner of the game with Nemanja Matic looking to get in behind him. Five to go.

YELLOW CARD Man City 2-0 Chelsea
Javi Garcia has picked up a yellow card that he probably could have received about an hour ago. He smiles as Phil Dowd pulls it out of his pocket for a hack at Jon Mikel Obi.

Man City 2-0 Chelsea
Jose Mourinho has more than enough good will built up with the Chelsea fans to shrug off this defeat. The travelling contingent chant their manager's name despite a pretty tame performance.
Get Involved #bbcfootball
Marc Bradley: (external) City have controlled this game from the off - that's why Milner should play before others.

Nicolas Cage: (external) Why do Chelsea persist in playing Mikel?

Saqib Rao: (external) When we start Mikel it spells negative from the word go and we get punished. He's only good off the bench.

SUBSTITUTION Man City 2-0 Chelsea
Beeeeeeaaast. Alvaro Negredo comes on for a late run-out. Edin Dzeko heads for an early sit-down.

Ten to go Man City 2-0 Chelsea
The clock ticks up to 80 minutes as Cesar Azpilicueta sends a shot drifting harmlessly over the top from distance.

Man City 2-0 Chelsea
It has been all Manchester City in the second half. The sting in the tail that we were expecting from Chelsea has not arrived. Jose Mourinho said they lacked "personality" against West Brom in the league recently. They have not been the life and soul of the party tonight either.
Man City 2-0 Chelsea
Danny Mills - at Etihad Stadium for 5

live Sport
"That is another very tight decision from the linesman to disallow Lescott's strike. You really need a slowed-down replay to be sure."
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Syria talks: Mediator apologises for lack of progress

The UN mediator Lakhdar Brahimi: "It's not good for Syria that we come back for another round and fall in the same traps"
The UN mediator Lakhdar Brahimi has apologised to the Syrian people after peace talks in Geneva ended without making progress.

He had held final discussions with both sides in Geneva in a last-ditch bid to break the stalemate between the Syrian government and opposition.

Mr Brahimi said a key sticking point was the government's refusal to talk about a transitional governing body.

No date has been set for a third round of talks.

The UK and France have blamed President Assad's government for the failure of the talks.

The conflict in Syria has claimed more than 100,000 lives since March 2011.

Some 9.5 million people have been forced to flee their homes.

Suspicions raised

The discussions on Saturday morning lasted just 27 minutes, after which Mr Brahimi emerged looking tired to address reporters, the BBC's Imogen Foulkes reports from Geneva.

Mr Brahimi apologised to the Syrian people, admitting that the talks "had not come out with very much".

Although the two sides had agreed on an agenda for the next - third - round, Mr Brahimi said the government had rejected his suggestion to begin it by spending a day focusing on combating violence and terrorism, and a second day discussing a transitional government.

Mr Brahimi said the government's stance "raises the suspicion of the opposition that the government doesn't want to discuss [a transitional government] at all".

He said he hoped that when the government spoke of implementing the 2012 Geneva Communique on bringing about a political settlement "they do mean a transitional governing body, exercising full executive power, will be the main objective".

But the government's chief negotiator, Bashar al-Jaafari, stressed that "terrorism" - rebel violence - must be dealt with fully first.

"Once you have an agenda you should respect the agenda fully without any interpretation or misinterpretation... we said that we cannot move from... item one to item two or item three or item four without fully considering this item and concluding by a common vision of this item by the two sides, something that the other side objected to."

Opposition spokesman Louay Safi again insisted on discussion of a transitional government that does not include President Bashar al-Assad - something the government rejects.

"A third round without talking about transition would be a waste of time," Mr Safi said.

Lakhdar Brahimi (centre) was unable to produce progress in the talks involving the opposition's Louay Safi (l) and for the Syrian government, Bashar al-Jaafari (r)
Mr Brahimi said both sides needed "to go back to their base" for consultations and to think about whether they wanted the process to continue or not.

In further reaction to the breakdown of the talks, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague laid the blame squarely at the door of the Syrian government but said the Geneva process must continue.

"This cannot be the end of the road. With the war in Syria causing more death and destruction every day, we owe it to the people of Syria to do all we can to make progress towards a political solution."

Mr Hague said Britain would also continue to push for a UN Security Council resolution to address the "appalling humanitarian suffering in Syria".

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said the Syrian regime had "blocked any progress on establishing a transition government and stepped up violence and acts of terror against the civilian population."

Applying pressure

The agreement to allow aid into Homs was a rare success from the talks
So far, the only agreement in the latest negotiations was to allow civilians to leave the besieged city of Homs and aid to enter.

Correspondents say at least 5,000 people are believed to have died since the first round of the Geneva talks began on 22 January.

US President Barack Obama said on Friday that he was considering ways of putting more pressure on President Assad, though he did not expect any resolution in the short term.

Speaking in California, where he was meeting Jordan's King Abdullah, he said: "There will be some intermediate steps that we can take applying more pressure to the Assad regime and we are going to be continuing to work with all the parties concerned to try to move forward on a diplomatic solution."

Mr Obama did not disclose what steps he has under consideration.
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UK storms: Mother killed by falling masonry named

Julie Sillitoe died when the car she was driving was hit by falling masonry
A mother-of-three who died when falling masonry hit her taxi has been named.

Julie Sillitoe, 49, was one of two people killed on Friday as strong winds and heavy rain southern England, adding to problems already caused by widespread storms and flooding.

An 85-year-old man died after a freak wave hit a British cruise ship in the English Channel.

More than 65,000 homes are without power and severe weather warnings are in place for much of the UK.

Julie Sillitoe died in central London after the car she was in was crushed by falling masonry, as Chris Buckler reports
Prime Minister David Cameron chaired the government's emergency committee, Cobra, on Saturday evening to discuss the forecast and the likely impact over the days ahead.

Speaking after the meeting, Mr Cameron said: "I was reassured that all the agencies involved - thousands of people locally and nationally - have made huge efforts over last few days to protect more homes and businesses, with over 3,000 of our troops deployed on task tonight and many hundreds more on standby".

He earlier said his "heart goes out to anyone who's been flooded".

Labour leader Ed Miliband tweeted: "My thoughts and condolences are with the family and friends of the people killed in the storms last night."

Part of a cliff has collapsed at West Bay in Dorset

The Army was called in try to move a fallen tree blocking a road in Egham, Surrey

Windows on both the ground and first floors were smashed by flying shingle at the Marine Restaurant in Milford on Sea

An aqua dam is employed to hold back flood water in Chertsey, Surrey
Winds of up to 83mph (130km/h) - combined with ongoing problems due to flooding - have also caused major disruption to roads and railways.

Portland Coastguard said there had been a "large" cliff fall at West Bay, Dorset.

Two people initially reported missing in the area have now been accounted for.

Yellow "be aware" weather warnings of icy driving conditions will be in effect from 20:00 GMT to 10:00 on Sunday for most of the UK. Across the south of England, Wales and the Midlands there are also warnings of heavy rain.

BBC weather presenter Louise Lear said conditions would improve through the course of Saturday with winds easing and some sunshine developing, although temperatures would drop significantly overnight.

Sunday is expected to be a dry day for most areas and while rain will return during the night into Monday, it is likely to be much less intense than in recent weeks, she added.

The Environment Agency has 16 severe flood warnings - meaning "danger to life" - in place, as well more than 150 flood warnings and more that 260 flood alerts in England and Wales.

Several passengers were injured when water crashed through a window of the cruise ship, MS Marco Polo, as it headed for its home port of Tilbury in Essex.

A man aged 85 and a woman in her 70s were airlifted off the ship, but the man later died.
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5 things to watch at the Winter Games

Seven gold medals will be at stake Saturday in Sochi, Russia, giving dozens of Olympic athletes another shot at history.

But the day's most highly anticipated event may be a preliminary round men's hockey game. The U.S.-Russia contest may have no bearing on the final standings, yet it's sure to generate a lot of passion and interest in those countries and beyond.

Russia vs. U.S. highlights men's hockey slate

It's been a long time since Lake Placid.

That New York community will forever be associated not just with the 1980 Winter Olympics, but its signature moment: The underdog American men's hockey team besting their Cold War rivals from the Soviet Union en route to a gold medal.

Sportscaster Al Michaels wasn't the only person who considered that win a miracle. That description probably wouldn't be apt if the 2014 incarnation of the American team beats the Russians (alas, the closest you can get to the Soviets nowadays) on Saturday in Sochi.

Still, it will be a big deal.

The U.S. team is fresh off a 7-1 trashing of Slovakia, a win that suggested that the Americans are a legitimate contender to win their first gold in this competition since Lake Placid. The Russians, paced by Alexander Ovechkin, beat Slovenia by a 5-2 score.

The continued icy relations between Russia and the United States ratchet up the tensions a bit, and history counts for something, too. Russia's coach Zinetula Bilyaletdinov was on the 1980 Soviet team, and that squad's goalie, Vladislav Tretiak, now heads the Russian Hockey Federation.

This isn't the only preliminary round match-up in men's hockey Saturday: Slovakia and Slovenia, Sweden and Latvia, Switzerland and the Czech Republic also face off on the men's side.
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Billie Jean King to attend Olympics closing

Tennis legend and openly gay athlete Billie Jean King has been named as part of the presidential delegation to the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia,

King, a 2009 recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest U.S. civilian honor, was initially named as part of the opening ceremony delegation but had to pull out because her mother was ill.

Russia has faced widespread criticism over its position on gay rights since passing an anti-gay propaganda law last year, which bans anyone from speaking positively about homosexuality in the hearing of children.

In a commentary for CNN in January, King said the decision to include openly gay men and women in the presidential delegation to Sochi was perhaps a statement by the United States.

"While I am not planning to protest or demonstrate, I am concerned with the treatment of the LGBT community in Russia and throughout the world. I want the LGBT community living in Russia to know they are not alone and I hope others realize this is not only a gay rights issue, but a global concern for human rights and equality," she wrote.

"As I said when I was named to the U.S. delegation, I hope these Olympics will be a watershed moment for the universal acceptance of all people."

The closing ceremony takes place on February 23.

President Barack Obama also named Deputy Secretary of State William Burns and U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul to the delegation, as well as former gold medal Olympians Bonnie Blair and Eric Heider, a White House statement said.

The delegates will watch some events and meet U.S. athletes as well as attend the final ceremony.
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Hockey: US tops Russia in OT thriller

U.S. beats Russia in Olympic hockey

In a heart-pounding finish, Team USA punched a victory Saturday against Russia, in what is one of the hockey world's greatest rivalries.

Tied 2-2 at the end of regulation, the game went into a shootout, where American T.J. Oshie scored four times on six tries to ensure a U.S. victory.

The finish was dramatic and the victory clutch, but it was also controversial. The Russians scored what appeared to be a game-winning goal in the third period, but it was disallowed because the net had moved from where it was supposed to be.

The U.S.-Russia match-up was one of the most anticipated matches at the Sochi winter games. Both hockey giants stepped onto the ice with 1-0 records in the tournament and are contenders for the gold.

While the game had a thrilling conclusion, the loss does not push Russia out of contention.

The shootout performance by Oshie, who plays professionally for the National Hockey League's St. Louis Blues, made it look like he had nerves of steel, but that's not the whole story.

"My hands are a little tingling, my feet are tingling," Oshie said after the game. "It was pretty nerve-racking out there. We knew it would take 65 minutes and then some [to win]."

When the game was on the line, the United States put the match in his hands.

"I did [feel pressure] a little bit, but then the puck hits your stick and you start skating," he said. "It's just you and the goalie. I was fortunate enough to keep him guessing."

The Russian goalie who he kept guessing was Sergei Bobrovski, who also plays in the NHL for the Columbus Blue Jackets.
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Russian skier breaks back during training

Russian freestyle skier Maria Komissarova suffered a serious injury while training at the Winter Olympics in Sochi, the Russian Olympic Committee said.

The skier fractured a vertebrae and displaced her spine, the committee said.

The decision was made to operate on her immediately, the committee said.

The 23-year-old was in "unbearable" pain when she was rushed to the hospital, the state-run RIA Novosti news agency said.

Komissarova was training to compete in the ski-cross competition.

According to RIA Novosti, Komissarova's best finish was a second place at a World Cup in 2012, but she was not expected to be a medal contender in Sochi.

Komissarova injured her leg last year, requiring surgery and keeping her off the slopes for almost six months.
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Slim progress made as Syria peace talks close

How can U.S. help end Syria's civil war?

U.N. mediator Lakhdar Brahimi said Saturday that a second round of talks in Geneva aimed at ending the crisis in Syria came to an end with little progress made.

The opposition and the government have agreed to an agenda for a third round of talks, but they have not agreed on how to tackle it, he said.

Brahimi apologized to the Syrian people, saying he was "very, very sorry" that despite two rounds of talks "we haven't done very much."

The key sticking point is that the Syrian government wants to talk about tackling terrorism, while the opposition wants to discuss forming a transitional governing body.

Brahimi said he suggested starting the next round of talks with one day of discussion on each issue, but the government had thrown a wrench in the works.

"Unfortunately the government has refused, which raises the suspicion of the opposition that in fact the government doesn't want to discuss the (transitional governing body) at all," he said.

Brahimi said such intransigence was "not good for the process," or for Syria.

Negotiators from both sides should go back to their leaders and reflect on a way forward, he said. "Do they want this process to take place or not?"

Louay Safi, of the opposition Syrian National Coalition, said, "We want to progress on the two sides. We want to be assured that the regime is really wanting a political solution, not delay tactics, and we didn't get that, for reasons that were described by Mr. Brahimi.

"Our heart is in pain, our delegation is in pain, that as we speak here searching for a political solution the regime has chosen to bombard towns and cities killing civilians."
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