Wednesday, 12 February 2014


Dozens of conditions are specifically related to the bones and joints of your body. And tendons, the rubber-band like structures that reinforce the joints, can also be affected by these conditions and the injuries that sometimes cause them.

Types of Bone, Joint and Tendon Problems
A joint problem that can affect almost any part of the body is arthritis, a disease that specifically targets the joints and tendons, causing pain, stiffness and inflammation. The most common type is osteoarthritis, which is usually caused by aging, injuries or general wear and tear, but arthritis can stem from other causes as well.

When the tendon specifically is injured, it's often called tendinitis. With tendinitis, the tendon stretches past the point of comfort, and pain ensues. This can occur in the knee, shoulder or elsewhere in the body.

Bone fractures are another problem that can occur almost anywhere in the body. More commonly known as a broken bone, the fracture can be partial or total and the result of injury or overuse.

Of course, there are also many problems that are specific to certain bones and joints in the body. Chondromalacia, for example, refers to the softening of the cartilage in the knee cap. Dislocations occur more often in the shoulder joint than elsewhere in the body. And the back presents all kinds of unique issues at the joints between discs, such as sciatica or a bulging disc.

Treatments for bone, joint and tendon problems vary widely, but mild problems may involve physical therapy, applications of cold and hot pads and over-the-counter pain relievers. The most extreme conditions or injuries may require surgery to correct.

SOURCES: U.S. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases; U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
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Alternative medicine is a broad term that refers to any form or approach to health care that falls outside the scope of conventional Western medicine.

It comes in many different forms and is also sometimes called complementary or integrative medicine. Technically, alternative medicine refers to forms of treatment that are used in place of Western medicine, although in practice the terms "alternative," "complementary" and "integrative" medicine are often used interchangeably.

A wide variety of approaches falls under the umbrella of alternative medicine, from cutting-edge treatments to approaches to medicine that are thousands of years old. Some of the common ones include acupuncture, massage and meditation. Movement therapies like tai chi, yoga and qi gong are considered to be a form of alternative medicine in many circles, as are the spinal manipulations performed by chiropractors and osteopathic physicians. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing fit the alternative medicine category as well. And vitamins, herbs, probiotics and foods that are treated as medicine are another large category of alternative medicine.

Alternative Medicine in Practice
Though the term "alternative" technically means in place of, the reality is that the majority of people who practice alternative medicine do so as a complement to conventional or Western medicine. For example, someone might attend acupuncture and massage sessions for pain management along with seeing a medical doctor (an M.D.) Similarly, older adults might take a daily fish oil capsule to protect heart health, but then seek more direct conventional treatment if needed. And movement methods like tai chi and yoga can often be incorporated into everyday practice for overall health and well-being.

In recent decades, the appreciation and respect, as well as the validity based on scientific research, of many forms of alternative medicine have grown. Today, it's not uncommon for many practitioners of Western medicine to accept and recommend some of these treatments to their patients as complements to their standard care.
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AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Not everyone with the HIV virus has AIDS. Rather, AIDS is an end-stage disease that results over time from having HIV, but treatments can delay the onset of AIDS in people with HIV. Currently, however, there is no cure for ridding the body of the HIV virus once you contract it.

The most common way that the HIV virus is spread from person to person is through unprotected sex, or sex without using a condom. Anal sex is the highest-risk behavior for transmitting HIV, and vaginal sex is second. Having a number of different sexual partners can also increase the chance of spreading HIV.

Another high-risk behavior that can spread HIV is sharing drug needles. In rare instances, HIV can also be passed from a mother to a baby during pregnancy or birth. HIV transmission from other sources, such as blood transfusions, oral sex, bites or other activities, has occurred but is very rare.

About two to four weeks after being infected with HIV, people typically get sick with what feels like the flu. This is known as acute retroviral syndrome (ARS), and it occurs as large amounts of HIV are being produced in the body. Eventually, the level falls and the initial symptoms subside. But the body is still infected with HIV.

The next phase of HIV infection is often called asymptomatic or chronic HIV infection. During this period, the body is still infected with HIV, but the person may not show any symptoms. People who begin treatment at this time may be able to live without developing AIDS for many decades. However, if treatment is not started, the progression to AIDS will occur more quickly.

AIDS is typically the end stage of an HIV infection. The disease is diagnosed when the number of immune system cells in the body, called CD4 cells, fall below a certain level. At this point, the body is too weak to fight off many infections, and AIDS often ends in death within a few years without treatment.

Though there is currently no cure for HIV infection, people with the virus can live a long, productive life with treatment. The treatment for HIV is known as antiretroviral therapy, and it can be effective at keeping virus levels low in the body and preventing AIDS. Getting tested for HIV is the only way to know if you need this treatment, so testing is important, especially for those who engage in high-risk behaviors.
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Obamacare Enrollment Nears 3.3 Million

About one-quarter of those signed up are now young adults, report shows

Nearly 3.3 million Americans have signed up for health insurance through the state and federal marketplaces created by the Affordable Care Act, the Obama administration announced Wednesday.

About 25 percent of those who have selected a health plan are young adults, aged 18 to 34.

That demographic has been considered crucial to the success of the health reform law, often called Obamacare, because young people help offset the cost of covering older, sicker individuals.

The administration's new enrollment report shows that 1.1 million people selected a health plan in January.

"With the benefit of a full month of January data, we're able to paint a more holistic picture of enrollment to date, and it's very encouraging news," U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said during a Wednesday afternoon news conference.

Since Oct. 1, 2013, 1.4 million people have selected a health insurance plan through one of the state-based marketplaces and 1.9 million entered via the federal marketplace,

The health marketplaces, or exchanges, got off to a rocky start last October, when the federal website and some states experienced problems that made enrolling difficult.

The current open enrollment period continues through March 31.

The U.S. Congressional Budget Office now expects 6 million people to sign up for coverage in 2014. That's 1 million fewer enrollees than it had originally projected.

The new report also highlights the following results:

Fifty-five percent of the nearly 3.3 million enrollees are women.
A large majority -- 82 percent -- of those who selected a plan are eligible for financial assistance. That's up from 79 percent from October through Dec. 28, 2013.
Some 3.2 million people have been deemed eligible for Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This number reflects only those who entered through the marketplaces. It does not include people who applied for coverage through state Medicaid or CHIP agencies.
The new report does not indicate how many people who signed up for coverage through the exchanges have paid their premiums. Nor does it indicate how many previously uninsured Americans have enrolled through the new marketplaces.

However, the results of a new Gallup survey released Wednesday show that the number of uninsured adults in the United States dropped to 16 percent from January to early February. That is the lowest level in five years.

Anne Filipic, President of Enroll America, said the numbers were encouraging, if not surprising. The nonprofit group works to enroll as many people as possible in health insurance plans.

"Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace continues to accelerate every month, and almost 3.3 million people have now enrolled in private coverage since the marketplace opened, in addition to the more than 6 million who have gotten covered through Medicaid," she said in a statement.

"Particularly encouraging is the fact that young adult enrollment grew by 65 percent in January, the biggest increase of any age group," Filipic added. "Based on past enrollment efforts, our research and what we're hearing in the field, we've always said that young people would wait until later in the open enrollment period to make their decision, and we're now seeing that pattern begin to play out."
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Could the Weather Affect Your Stroke Risk?

Study suggests stroke hospitalizations and death rates tied to changes in temperature and humidity

Imagine hearing a weather forecaster warn that tomorrow could be "colder with a chance of stroke."

As odd as that may seem, researchers have found possible associations between certain weather conditions and the incidence of strokes.

Larger daily temperature variations and higher humidity each were associated with higher stroke hospitalization rates, according to a new study.

The researchers also found that colder average annual temperatures were associated with stroke hospitalizations and death. An average daily temperature change of 5 degrees Fahrenheit was associated with about a 6 percent increase in stroke risk and hospitalization, the researchers said.

The reasons behind the findings are unclear, said study lead author Judith Lichtman. And although the study showed an association between weather and stroke risk, it didn't prove a cause-and-effect relationship.

"Daily fluctuations in temperature and increased humidity may actually be stressors," said Lichtman, an associate professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health. "People at risk for stroke may want to avoid being exposed to significant temperature changes and high humidity."

How might fluctuating temperatures actually stress the body? When temperatures go down, blood vessels in the skin constrict so the body doesn't waste a lot of heat, said Dr. Mark Stecker, chairman of the department of neurosciences at Winthrop-University Hospital in Mineola, N.Y. When it's warm outside, the vessels open up to increase heat loss through the skin.

Stecker, who was not part of the research team, said the idea that weather can affect health is not new. "People think there should be a relationship," he said. "They often say things like, 'My joints hurt -- maybe it's going to rain,' or, 'I got a cold because it's cold outside.'"

There might be something to old wives' tales, he said, but it's extremely difficult to know for sure.

The study, which is scheduled for presentation Wednesday at the American Stroke Association meeting in San Diego, should be considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.

For the research, Lichtman and her team used 2009-10 statistics from a national database on hospital inpatients, noting ischemic stroke hospitalizations of people 18 years old or older. Ischemic strokes happen as a result of an obstruction within a blood vessel supplying blood to the brain. The new study included data from nearly 135,000 patients.

Temperature and dew point were pulled from the U.S. National Climatic Data Center and linked to stroke discharges at the county level. Factors such as region, season, age, gender, race and patient health issues (such as diabetes and high blood pressure) were considered in the analysis of the data.

This study isn't the first to suggest a relationship between weather and stroke risk, Lichtman said. She said other studies done in Europe and Japan have shown seasonal associations for weather and stroke.

Lichtman suggested that people at risk of stroke who are living in a region with extreme weather fluctuations might want to minimize their exposure to the extremes. That might be as simple as staying indoors with air conditioning on a hot day or ensuring ample heating when it's especially cold outside, she said.

Fluctuating or extreme weather conditions should also raise alertness for the signs and symptoms of stroke, Lichtman said.

For his part, Stecker said the research will have a minimal impact on managing stroke risk.

"I'd tell a patient to not even think about it. People have enough anxiety already," he said. It's more important to focus on other risks, such as diet, weight, blood pressure, exercise and whether they take a statin to treat high cholesterol, he said.

Lichtman said she wants to do more research to better understand whether there is a more defined cause-and-effect relationship between weather and stroke risk, and explore the cause in more depth. "Understanding the reasons for the associations between weather conditions and stroke could lead to the development of targeted preventive interventions," she said.

Lichtman, who is married to a musician, said she knows firsthand how weather can affect us. "My husband's violin responds to extreme weather temperatures and humidity all the time," she said.
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More Americans Getting High Blood Pressure Under Control: CDC

Almost two-thirds of those enrolled in health plans have been properly treated, but more must be done

Efforts to help millions of Americans battling high blood pressure may be succeeding, but much more work needs to be done, U.S. health officials report.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about two-thirds (64 percent) of people with high blood pressure had the problem "under control" during 2012, the latest year for which figures are available. The agency defined "controlled" blood pressure as readings at or below 140 mm Hg/90 mm Hg.

But that still falls short of the 70 percent goal that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services "Million Hearts" campaign set for 2017.

"An estimated 46,000 deaths could be avoided annually if 70 percent of patients with high blood pressure were treated according to published guidelines," wrote a team led by Milesh Patel of the CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

Achieving or surpassing that goal would also prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes by 2017, the CDC said.

The report is based on 2012 data from the nationwide Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set, which covers more than 113 million Americans enrolled in a range of health care plans.

The CDC report found there were "modest" improvements in how many Americans got their high blood pressure -- also known as hypertension -- under control, compared to 2010. However, rates varied widely by region, with the southeastern "Stroke Belt" states lagging behind.

For example, while more than 68 percent of people reporting to the HHS' San Francisco data center had their blood pressure under control, that number dropped to just 59.5 percent for people reporting to the Atlanta or Dallas centers, the CDC said.

One expert believes that doctors play a key role in reducing the burden of high blood pressure.

"Hypertension is a key risk factor for cardiovascular disease and as a medical community it is imperative that we aggressively screen and treat those patients with high blood pressure," said Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, preventive cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

"Not only do we need to implement awareness campaigns for the patients, but hold the physicians to clinical standards of treatment," she said. "It is crucial that these goals are met in order for us to save lives, and prevent Americans from suffering from heart disease and strokes."

Overall, the CDC believes that the "70 percent blood pressure control among hypertensive patients by 2017 is achievable, but further work is needed to effectively identify, monitor and treat patients with hypertension."
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Scientists count whales from space By Jonathan Amos

Scientists have demonstrated a new method for counting whales from space.

It uses very high-resolution satellite pictures and image-processing software to automatically detect the great mammals at or near the ocean surface.

A test count, reported in the journal Plos One, was conducted on southern right whales in the Golfo Nuevo on the coast of Argentina.

The automated system found about 90% of creatures pinpointed in a manual search of the imagery.

This is a huge improvement on previous attempts at space-borne assessment, and could now revolutionise the way whale populations are estimated.

Currently, such work is done through counts conducted from a shore position, from the deck of a ship or from a plane. But these are necessarily narrow in scope.

An automated satellite search could cover a much larger area of ocean and at a fraction of the cost.

"Our study is a proof of principle," said Peter Fretwell from the British Antarctic Survey.

"But as the resolution of the satellites increases and our image analysis improves, we should be able to monitor many more species and in other types of location.

"It should be possible to do total population counts and in the future track the trajectory of those populations," he told the Inside Science programme on BBC Radio 4.

The breakthrough is in part down to the capability of the latest hi-res satellites.

In this study, Mr Fretwell and colleagues used DigitalGlobe's WorldView-2 platform.

This is among the most powerful commercial Earth observation platforms in operation today, and can see surface features down to 50cm in size in its panchromatic mode (black and white).

The team selected as their test area a 113-sq-km segment of the Golfo Nuevo on the Peninsula Valdes, a location famed for its gatherings of calving southern right whales.

Even though these are large animals, they still only take up a few pixels in the satellite picture.

Nonetheless, a manual search of the scene found 55 probable whales, 23 possible whales and 13 sub-surface features.

Several automated methods where then trialled, with the best results coming from a combination of the very hi-res panchromatic view and a narrow band of wavelengths in the violet part (400-450 nanometres) of the light spectrum.

This coastal band, as it is known, penetrates 15m or so into the water column in good conditions.

The automated approach found 89% of probable whales identified in the manual count.

WorldView-2 has spectral bands that allow scientists to pull out specific information in the imagery
Mr Fretwell cautions that there are limitations to the technique. For example, rough seas or murky waters will confound a search. But he believes, on the basis of the trial study, that satellite counting can become a very useful conservation tool.

"In this type of automated analysis you have to balance two types of errors - errors where you miss whales, and errors where you misidentify whales. If you push too hard one way, like trying to catch all the whales, you'll increase the number of false positives. With our 90%, we had almost no misidentifications," the researcher explained.

Southern right whales were a very appropriate target for the study.

These animals were driven to near-extinction in the early 20th Century. Recognised as slow, shallow swimmers, they were the "right" whales to hunt.

Their numbers have seen something of a recovery, but without the means to carry out an accurate census, it is hard to know their precise status.

Concern has also been raised of late because of the sightings of many dead calves in the nursery grounds around the Peninsula Valdes.

Prof Vicky Rowntree from the University of Utah is the director of the Ocean Alliance's Southern Right Whale Program, and has spent many years studying the Valdes whales.

She said the new method would be a huge boon to her field of research.

"It's going to be absolutely amazing. The other dimension of it is that many marine mammal researchers have been killed flying in small planes while surveying whales. So my great desire is to get us out of small planes circling over whales and to be able to do it remotely. Satellite data is wonderful."

The southern right is the most abundant of the three right whale species
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Fulham 2-3 Liverpool

Match details
Kolo Touré 8' (og) LiverpoolGoal
Sturridge 41' FulhamGoal
Richardson 63' LiverpoolGoal
Coutinho 72' LiverpoolPenalty
Gerrard 90' +1 (pen) Close

Steve Gerrard scored a last-gasp penalty as Liverpool moved to within four points of the Premier League summit after a dramatic win at Fulham.

Kolo Toure's own goal gave the Cottagers a surprise lead before Daniel Sturridge levelled following Gerrard's delightful pass.

Kieran Richardson capitalised on poor defending by Martin Skrtel to restore bottom-of-the table Fulham's advantage.

But Philippe Coutinho equalised from 20 yards before Gerrard's penalty.
The spot-kick was awarded by referee Phil Dowd after Sascha Riether's clumsy stoppage-time challenge on Sturridge.

Gerrard's calm conversion gave Liverpool a fifth league win of the calendar year and ensures they remain in the mix for the title after an unbeaten start to 2014.

Yet this was anything but easy for the Reds as Fulham twice took the lead before crumbling in the closing stages.

In a reversal of Saturday's 5-1 victory over Arsenal, in which they were 2-0 up in the opening 10 minutes, Liverpool found themselves behind for the first time in an away match this year after Toure's early error.

The 32-year-old, standing on the edge of the six-yard area, horribly sliced Richardson's innocuous low cross beyond Simon Mignolet with just eight minutes played.

Toure's chaotic start to the match continued moments later when he flattened referee Dowd by running into him.

Fulham's previous two home league games had ended in 3-0 and 4-1 defeats at the hands of Southampton and Sunderland respectively.

But the Cottagers, thanks to the infectious enthusiasm of midfielder Lewis Holtby, carried on from where they left off in their 2-2 draw against Manchester United on Sunday as they rattled their opponents.

Even before Toure's calamitous mistake, midfielder Ryan Tunnicliffe had gone close after catching Liverpool's defence napping in the opening minute.

Indeed, in the opening half, Brendan Rodgers's side were a shadow of the one that had destroyed the Gunners a few days earlier. Even captain Gerrard was guilty of gifting the hosts possession.

With the Reds struggling to find any sort of rhythm, Darren Bent, back in Fulham's starting line-up following his last-gasp heroics at Old Trafford, spurned a glorious chance to double the lead from Richardson's tempting 32nd-minute cross.

And nine minutes later the Reds were level. Gerrard's delightful pass with the outside of his right boot sliced the home defence wide open and Sturridge kept his composure to score in off the post.

In an entertaining game, Luis Suarez was denied by the woodwork moments before Richardson put the hosts back in front from close range after a poor attempted clearance from Skrtel in the 63rd minute.

However, Fulham conceded their 57th top-flight goal of the season when Coutinho drilled home from just outside the area.

Soon after Fulham lost keeper Maarten Stekelenburg to injury before Gerrard's late heroics left Liverpool's travelling support in raptures - and their hosts another match closer to the Championship.

Fulham manager Rene Meulensteen:
"I definitely think we deserved a point We actually played quite well, were well organised, we didn't let them settle into a rhythm.

"Out of a nothing ball, Gerrard made a pass with the quality he's got and they stuck it in the net so you have to start again.

"The penalty was just a silly challenge that should not have been made by Sascha.

"The first thing he admitted when he walked in the dressing room was: 'Sorry, I shouldn't have done it'."
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Arsenal 0-0 ManUtd

Arsenal missed the chance to return to the top of the Premier League as they played out a grim goalless stalemate with Manchester United at Emirates Stadium.

The Gunners were attempting to recover from the 5-1 mauling at Liverpool, while United were desperate to bounce back from the 2-2 draw at home to bottom club Fulham.

And it showed in a game that was desperately disappointing in between a flurry of chances in the opening and closing minutes, ending in a result that did not serve the purposes of Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger or United counterpart David Moyes, other than in avoiding defeat.

Former Arsenal striker Robin van Persie came closest for the visitors but his early effort was saved by Wojciech Szczesny, who also turned the Dutchman's late header onto the bar.

Olivier Giroud missed Arsenal's best opportunity although Santi Cazorla brought two fine late saves out of United keeper David De Gea and Laurent Koscielny's header was cleared off the line by Antonio Valencia.

For too long, however, this was a poor game between two sides who seemed intent on avoiding defeat as their first priority - and a shadow of previous games between these two clubs in recent years.

Moyes is still waiting for his first win at Arsenal in his managerial career, while the home side could not land a morale-boosting blow in their pursuit of the title as they remained a point adrift of leaders Chelsea.

United, meanwhile, are still seventh, now 11 points behind fourth-placed Liverpool.

The excitement of the opening moments and an exchange of chances proved to be a false dawn ahead of a turgid first half.

Van Persie should have punished his former club when he robbed Mikel Arteta 25 yards out to advance on Szczesny but his shot lacked power and the keeper was able to save low down.

Giroud then wasted an equally good opportunity when he muscled his way ahead of Nemanja Vidic only to head Cazorla's corner wide.

De Gea then needed to make a diving stop as Tomas Rosicky's shot deflected off Vidic - but otherwise this was stale fare from two teams who have produced so much better.

Moyes made an enforced change at the start of the second half as he sent on Rio Ferdinand for Rafael, who had taken a blow to the head in an aerial challenge with Giroud.

It was Arsenal who came closest again just after the hour when Koscielny rose to meet another Cazorla corner only to see his header swept off the line by Valencia.

As the game entered its final 20 minutes both Wenger and Moyes attempted to give their sides fresh impetus as Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain replaced Rosicky and Adnan Januzaj replaced the subdued Juan Mata.

There had been little sign of any partnership between Rooney and Van Persie but the pair linked superbly as United almost went ahead with 11 minutes left. Rooney's cross found Van Persie at the far post but Szczesny reacted superbly to push his header on to the bar.

Arsenal responded as the game finally showed signs of life, De Gea doing well to save from Cazorla on two separate occasions in the closing minutes, but there was no breakthrough.

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger:
"Overall, we could have won it - it was a game of few chances. Our defensive focus was extreme as we conceded so many goals on Saturday.
"In the end, either side could have won 1-0. Manchester United are a good team, so when you go forward they can catch you.

"It is important to recover physically and prepare for the next game as we want to stay in the FA Cup. The title race is absolutely open for many teams."
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'Cosmetic crisis' measures expected

Tougher rules on dermal fillers, Botox injections and plastic surgery are set to be announced for England.

A review last year warned dermal fillers could cause lasting harm, but were covered by only the same level of regulation as ballpoint pens.

Ministers have warned of "cowboy practices" across an industry worth more than £2bn a year in the UK. The industry has been described as a "crisis waiting to happen".

Surgeons support the move.

A review last year by the Department of Health in England said there was considerable concern that regulations had failed to keep pace - leaving patients vulnerable.

It recommended:

legislation to classify fillers as prescription-only
formal qualifications for anyone who injects fillers or Botox
a register of everyone who performs surgical or non-surgical cosmetic interventions
a ban on special financial offers for surgery
a formal certificate of competence for cosmetic surgeons
a breast-implant register to monitor patients
patients' procedures must be approved by a surgeon not a salesperson
compulsory insurance in case things go wrong
a pooled fund to help patients when companies go bust - similar to the travel industry
The government's full response will come later on Thursday morning, and Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will also be able to choose whether to adopt the measures.

However, ministers in England have already announced that every breast implant operation should be recorded on a new register.

A lack of records meant some surgeons were unable to tell their patients whether they were affected by the recent scare over substandard breast implants made by the French company Poly Implant Prothese (PIP).

Speaking ahead of the announcement, Rajiv Grover, a consultant plastic surgeon and president of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), told the BBC: "The important issue here is that fillers must be classified as prescription-only as it will kill three birds with one stone.

"It would regulate the sale and the quality of fillers, who is allowed to administer them and would ban them from being advertised."

Former beauty clinic manager Sarah Payne recalls how a dermal filler treatment went badly wrong
Michael Saul, from TJL solicitors, represents the victims of botched cosmetic procedures, including one patient who went blind in one eye immediately after being injected with a dermal filler.

He said: "There is a problem in the private sector of cosmetic surgery. It is a very lucrative business that has outgrown its regulatory framework.

"The big problem at the heart of it is the conflict between the commercial imperative of the clinic and ethical duty of the doctor - the balance is often very wrong."

He called for a ban on surgery deals like mother-daughter offers as it was "completely inappropriate" for invasive surgery to be "sold like double glazing".

Graeme Perks, president of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, said: "The range of cosmetic non-surgical interventions that are available has increased exponentially over the last few years and the current regulatory framework is not protecting individuals, particularly vulnerable groups, from bad and often inappropriate practice.

"It is our view that all injectable materials need to be registered as medical devices, including both absorbable and permanent fillers, to ensure they are subject to the appropriate regulatory procedures.

"We look forward to seeing the forthcoming European legislation on this matter."
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LIVE UK storms: Power and travel disruption continue

Efforts to fight the floods continued overnight in badly-hit Wraysbury, Berkshire, where residents have said not enough has been done to help them.

No trains will run between Liverpool Lime Street and Crewe until about 10:00 GMT because of overhead wires damaged in Wednesday's storm.

One passenger on the stranded train reported seeing "electric line here, there and everywhere". She said the weather had been "shocking".

A train had to be hauled to Edinburgh after it got stranded on the North York moors last night. The train, which left London's King's Cross at 18:30 GMT, didn't get moving again until 00:45 GMT.
SMS Mark Bradshaw in East Ilsley, Berkshire
texts: We have had three power cuts in 12 hours. With a seven-week-old baby we are really worried that we can't heat or sterilise her bottles (we have no gas).

Trains have been cancelled in parts of Yorkshire and north-east England. These include trains between Barnsley and Huddersfield, because of trees blocking the line.

Rail services throughout the UK remain disrupted, with major problems between London Paddington and Reading.

And the i suggests the storms and floods could reduce the UK's gross domestic product by 1% in a month. For more on floods coverage, read our newspaper review.
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UK storms: Homes without power and travel chaos

Blackpool. Lancashire, is among areas of the UK that have been battered by wind and rain
Tens of thousands of homes are without power and commuters are facing major travel disruption after hurricane-force winds battered the UK on Wednesday.

While forecasters predict some respite from stormy weather on Thursday, another Atlantic low could bring gales of more than 80mph from Friday.

Severe flood warnings remain for Berkshire, Surrey and Somerset - all already hit by severe flooding.

Train services in parts of the UK have been cancelled and roads are closed.

On Wednesday afternoon a man, thought to be in his 70s, was killed in a suspected electrocution in Bremhill, Wiltshire, after a tree brought down power cables.

The Met Office said a wind gust of 112mph was recorded at Great Dun Fell, in the Pennines, while a rare "red warning" for wind was issued.

Power out

The Energy Networks Association, representing UK energy companies, said about 130,000 remained without power late on Wednesday night.

The figure included about 52,000 in mid and north Wales, and 19,000 in south Wales.

Members of the armed forces are continuing to work in Wraysbury to help those affected by flooding

People gathered to watch waves break on Porthcawl harbour, south Wales, on Wednesday night

The Manchester City v Sunderland football match was postponed "due to exceptional and escalating weather"
About 13,000 homes in the West Midlands were still without power while 10,000 homes in Cheshire, 2,500 homes in the Wirral and 5,500 homes in north Shropshire remained affected.

Some 3,000 homes in south-west England remained without power.

Energy companies said engineers were working through the night to restore power.

Bridge closed

Travel problems include:

The Severn Bridge, which connects Aust, Gloucestershire with Chepstow, Monmouthshire, is closed because of strong winds
Roads including parts of the A22 Purley Road, Surrey, the A361 in Burrowbridge, on the Somerset Levels, and the A4094 in Cookham, Berkshire, are all closed because of flooding. See BBC Travel News for more closed roads
Motorists have been advised to avoid the A9 in Scotland after several stretches were affected by snow and ice
Rail services throughout the UK remain disrupted
There are problems with services throughout Wales, including suspended Llandudno-Blaenau Ffestiniog services
Major disruption between London Paddington-Reading continues
Trains have been cancelled in parts of Yorkshire and north-east England. They include trains between Barnsley and Huddersfield, because of trees blocking the line
No trains will run between Liverpool Lime Street and Crewe until about 10:00 GMT because of overhead wires damaged in Wednesday's storms
Disruption caused by the storm-stricken Dawlish line, along the Devon coast continues
Sunshine expected

The Met Office has issued various yellow "be aware" wind, ice and snow warnings for Thursday, for many parts of the UK.

BBC weather forecaster Jay Wynne said Thursday would be a better day, although it would still be quite blustery with a mixture of rain, sleet and some snow in northern England.

While it would be quite choppy on some coasts, there would be spells of sunshine in areas including the south.

But things would go downhill again on Friday with strong gales and the possibility of significant snowfall in Northern Ireland, southern Scotland and northern England.

As well as 16 severe flood warnings, the Environment Agency has also issued about 400 less serious flood warnings and alerts, mostly in southern England and the Midlands.

Surrey Fire & Rescue said it had rescued 250 people from the floods on Wednesday.

A total of 850 people have been rescued in the county since Sunday.

Environment Agency programme director Toby Willison, said a number of rivers in the South East and South West, including parts of the Thames, were at their their highest recorded levels.

"This is an exceptional event, it was the highest rainfall in January since 1776 and we think it is likely December, January and February will be the highest for 250 years," he added.

Prime Minister David Cameron will chair the inaugural meeting of the new cabinet committee on flood recovery later.

Are you in the affected areas? Have you been affected by the flooding? Email BBC at
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New Music Timaya – Hold Me Now

Nigerian Dancehall star, Timaya, is out with a new single for the Valentine season. This one's titled 'Hold Me Now',  and has all the potentials to be a banging song.

In hold me now, Timaya departs from the conventional romance-inspired sentiments, choosing to dwell on the art of lovemaking. He stays true to the beat with raunchy lyrics that need no explanation.

'Hold Me Now' is produced by Popito, and it's been dubbed the 'real Valentine song', in many quarters. Listen, download and tell us what you think!

To download press this link:
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Fathia Balogun And Ex Hubby Celebrate Joint Birthdays The Estranged Lovers Have A Lot In Common

Saheed Balogun and Fathia Balogun
Nollywood actress, Fathia Balogun and her ex-husband, actor Saheed Balogun do share a lot of things in common, including being born on the same day, 5th February, and even attending the same school, Kwara State Polytechnic, where they actually met.

So today, 5 February, 2014, we celebrate the two stars as they mark their birthdays.

While Fathia was born on the 5th of February, 1969, in Delta State, making her 45 years old, Saheed was born on the 5th of February, 1968, in Kwara State, making him 46 years old today.

After getting married and having three children between them, the couple separated a few years ago and have since been on their own, pursuing their careers.

Fathia has delved into movie production especially in the Yoruba sector of Nollywood and has produced movies like Àsírí Owó (The Secret of Wealth), Critical Condition, Ìrírí mi (My Experience), Agbara Ife (The Power of Love), Inu Obinrin (The Heart of a Woman), and Okun Ife (The Cord of Love), while Saheed has also produced and acted in movies like Eti Keta, Omo Britiko, Modupe Temi, You or I.

Join us in wishing them a happy birthday.
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Ice Cubes Beauty 4 Quick Ways To Use Ice Cubes On Your Face

Cool ways to use ice cubes on your skin

1. For Puffy Eyes

Wrap a cube of ice in a soft cloth and hold it over your eyes the morning after a hectic party. It will de-puff your eyes and make you look more alert.

2. For Pimples

Wrap an ice cube in a ziplock bag and hold it against the pimply area for up to 10 minutes. It reduces inflammation and relieves stubborn acne-associated pain.

3. To Brighten The Skin

For a skin-brightening DIY scrub, blend cooling ingredients like cucumber or strawberries with some amount of water and freeze in ice trays. Lightly rub the fruity cubes over your face every week. It will work as an exfoliating scrub as it slowly melts.

4. As A Face Primer

As a natural skin primer before the makeup, gently rub an ice cube over your face — especially on enlarged pores. It will minimize pores and smoothen the skin.
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Valentine’s Shopping Guide Scents: Top Picks For Her

Check out our top 5 guide for perfume shopping for her this valentine

This Vera Wang Rock Princess is just perfect

Every lady loves Lola by Marc Jacobs

» more This DKNY Delicious Night is yummy! Sets the valentine mood alright!
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With Valentine's Day just 2 days away (of course, we are counting) there is the rush to get the perfect gift (by perfect, yes we mean romantic)

Valentine day is the day of the year that brings out the romance in you, the day itself has a romantic air around it; it's a time to show love!

Somehow, perfumes makes very good, if not the perfect gift at this time, they have this way of appealing to our senses. 'Perfume is a mixture of fragrant essential oils or aroma compounds, fixatives and solvents used to give the human body a pleasant scent' Aha!

We have a list of 5 Scents to get her (plus other gifts; we love everything really) high on you this Valentine! Check out our 5 ideal scents for her this season:

1) Vera Wang Rock Princess.

We love Vera Wang's perfumes but this gothic princess scent and signature bottle rocks our world. Get it here, It is a must gift.

2) Lola by Marc Jacobs

Every lady loves Lola by Marc Jacobs even the pretty rubbery-flower cover says a lot; need we say more? Get it here

3) Tom Ford White Patchouli

We love Tom Ford, this white patchouli is stunning and the scent divine. You are definitely adding this to her gifts!

4) Bvlgari Green Omnia

We love Bvlgari alright from the presentation, just look at that green beauty. Get it for her here

5) DKNY Delicious Night

Oh Lawd, we love the DKNY delicious line but this delicious Night will sure land you some uhm... action! Buy it online.
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DIY!!! 3 Quick Home Remedies For Dark Circles

Check out this simple remedies to tackle dark circles.

Janelle Monae
How we love simple DIY remedies that work! We saw this off India-times and decided to share: as always you are welcome!

1. Tomato paste:

Cut two tomatoes in halves, add a tablespoon of lemon juice, a little gram flour and turmeric powder. Blend these ingredients until you get a thick paste. Apply it around your eyes, and let it stay for 10-20 minutes. Repeat it twice a week and see your skin tone get lighter.

2. Potato juice:

Squeeze the juice out of a grated raw potato. Soak cotton in it and place the swabs on your closed eyes. After 10 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.

3. Flour and olive oil:

Combine two spoons of fine flour and a few drops of olive oil. Apply the paste on the skin and leave on for 30 minutes. Wash it with rose water.
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Beyonce Launches Her Lingerie Line Mrs. Carter Launches Underwear Collection For Valentine

Queen Bey launches underwear collection in time for Valentine!

Beyonce's 'Yours/ Mine' collection(
Beyonce has launched a lingerie collection just in time for Valentine's day. The singer and Jay Z better unveiled her 'Yours and Mine' undergarment set few days to Valentine.

Queen Bey' s latest invention has a rather bold artwork in the crotch area of the undies which comes in a set of two 'Your/ Mine' boxers or boyshorts. The set retails for $40.

Will you consider rocking this on Valentine night? By all means we want to know!
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Jonathan Names Oduah, Others Replacements

President Goodluck Jonathan on Wednesday dropped four ministers to enable them to pursue their respective political and economic interests, the Minister of Information, Mr Labaran Maku, said.

Maku made the disclosure when he briefed State House correspondents on the outcome of the weekly Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting, chaired by President Goodluck Jonathan.

The minister said that those affected include Minister of Aviation, Stella Oduah, Minister of Niger Delta, Mr Godsday Orubebe, Minister of Police
Affairs, Retired Navy Capt. Caleb Olubolade and Minister of State for Finance, Alhaji Yerima Ngama.

Maku added that the President had also announced further changes in the Federal Executive Council.

He noted that a number of ministers had been asked to step out of the Federal Executive council to pursue their interest.

The information minister said the
President had appointed the Minister of State for FCT, Ms Olajumoke Akinjide as Supervising Minister of Police Affairs and the Minister of State for Trade and Investment, Mr Samuel Ortom as Supervising Minister of Aviation.

He said the President also directed the Minister of State for Niger Delta Affairs, Mr Darius Ishaku to take charge as Supervising Minister of the Ministry, while the Minister of Finance, Dr Ngozi Okonjo – Iweala should take charge of the functions of the Minister of State for Finance.

Maku noted that the President asked the affected ministers to leave after they had indicated interest to pursue further goals in political and economic affairs in the country.

He seized the opportunity to correct the erroneous report in the media that the former Chief of Staff to the President, Chief Mike Oghiadhome, was sacked by the President because of alleged involvement in purported scam in the NNPC.

Maku said the report was false and misleading, adding that Oghiadhome resigned his appointment to pursue further interest in politics.

"If the Office of the Chief of Staff does not supervise NNPC, it has no direct correlation with the work of the NNPC.

"If he had left because of the purported scam in NNPC, it would suggest that there must have been some people in NNPC that would have been involved and sacked too".

He added that the Council discussed the outcome of the 2013 annual conference of the Nigeria Economic Summit Group, which deliberated on the nation's agricultural sector.
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Arsenal held as Liverpool close on top spot

Arsenal missed the chance to go top of the Premier League as Liverpool moved to within four points of the summit on Wednesday ahead of their FA Cup clash with the Gunners. 

Arsene Wenger's men were held to a goalless draw at home to champions Manchester United while Liverpool had to twice come from behind before Steven Gerrard's stoppage-time penalty sealed a 3-2 win away to bottom-of-the table Fulham.

Arsenal were left a point behind leaders Chelsea on a night when title rivals Manchester City saw their match at home to Sunderland postponed because of severe weather battering the north-west of England that also saw Everton's game against Crystal Palace called off. 

And the draw did little for United's fading hopes of claiming a Champions League place, with David Moyes's side now 11 points adrift of the top four.

Tottenham Hotspur, who looked as if they would move to within a point of fourth-placed Liverpool, remained three behind the Merseysiders despite Emmanuel Adebayor scoring twice in a crushing 4-0 win away to Newcastle.

At the Emirates, a match of few early chances came to life in the final half hour.

Arsenal come close to breaking the deadlock on the hour mark when Per Mertesacker's goal-bound header was nodded off the line by Antonio Valencia.

Former Arsenal striker Robin van Persie nearly caused his old club fresh misery when Wayne Rooney's cross found him at the back post only for the Dutch forward's header to be brilliantly turned onto the crossbar by Wojciech Szczesny.

Liverpool, fresh from their stunning 5-1 win over Arsenal at Anfield, found themselves behind in just eight minutes at Craven Cottage when Kolo Toure sliced Kieran Richardson's cross over the head of Reds goalkeeper Simon Mignolet and into the net.
But four minutes before the break, Daniel Sturridge drew Liverpool level.
Gerrard's superb pass over the top of the Fulham defence released his fellow England international and the striker steered the ball past keeper Maarten Stekelenburg as he scored for the eighth successive match.
Fulham, after Luis Suarez hit the post, went 2-1 in front when Martin Skrtel, Liverpool's two-goal hero against Arsenal, made a mess of clearing a cross into the box and Richardson scored from just a few yards out in the 63rd minute.

However, Liverpool hit back in the 72nd minute when Philippe Coutinho curled a shot past Stekelenburg with the aid of a deflection off John Heitinga.

And just when Fulham were about to collect a precious point, the fifth minute of injury time saw Sascha Riether bring down Sturridge in the box and Gerrard score from the ensuing penalty.

At St James' Park, Adebayor put Spurs 1-0 up in the 19th minute after Newcastle keeper Tim Krul pushed Nabil Bentaleb's cross straight into his path.

Adebayor was involved again when Spurs doubled their lead in the 53rd minute.

Dutch keeper Krul couldn't hold Adebayor's shot and Brazil midfielder Paulinho, who'd played in the forward with a backheel, tapped in from close range.

Krul's night got worse eight minutes from time when he could only parry Andros Townsend's shot from the edge of the area and Adebayor slammed the rebound into the turf and over the keeper to make it 3-0 to Spurs.

And before the final whistle, Nacer Chadli added a fourth goal with a stunning 25-yard strike.

Elsewhere, Stoke and Swansea shared the points in a 1-1 draw at the Britannia Stadium after Peter Crouch's early goal for the hosts was cancelled out by Chico Flores's equaliser for the Swans. 
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Industry Nite Triple Delight With ‘Killz’, Oritse Femi & SDC Holds Today!

Another edition of Industry Nite holds today, Wednesday, 12 February, 2014, with a triple headlining concert which features rapper Ikechukwu 'Killz', vocalist Oritse-Femi, and show group, SDC.

The last editon was a blast with Reminisce getting his act together and thrilling the audience with the best of performances which also had Olamide, Shank, and others.

With a triple headlining concert, this edition surely will be a blast. and PulseTV, official partners with Industry Nite, will be providing exclusive fun photos, videos, and interviews with the stars and performers. Don't miss out tonight!

Date: Wednesday, 12February, 2014

Venue: Maddox Lounge. 82 Adetokunbo Ademola Street, V.I, Lagos.

Time: 8.00 PM
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All The Fun Photos As The Gidi Culture Club Tour Rocked Lagos

All The Fun Photos As The Gidi Culture Club Tour Rocked Lagos
Eclipse Live, the organisers of Gidi Culture Festival, kicked off their awareness campaign for their grand beach festival, with a club tour which  held at the Vertigo Bar and Voodoo Lounge at the Elegushi private Beach, on Sunday, February 9, 2014.

The event kicked off late in the night, with Davido, MC Galaxy, Eniola Badmus, B-Red, Asa Asika, YQ, Skales, and lots more. DJ Hazan kept the music going all night long.

The Gidi Culture Festival is set to take place at Elegushi private beach on Sunday, 2nd March, 2014, with Wizkid, Timaya, Lynxxx, Ice Prince, Seyi Shay, Jesse Jagz, Reminisce, DJ Hazan and DJ Obi ste to perform.
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“I Am Still Married To Saheed” - Fathia Balogun There could be a very happy reunion for these stars

Actress Fathia Balogun(Total Media Koncepts).

It seems popular Yoruba actress, Fathia Balogun, is still yet to let go of her estranged husband, actor Saheed Balogun as she has disclosed that technically, they are still married and are only separated for the time being, not divorced as being speculated.

What this means is that the case Saheed wanted to drag with her over the use of his name cannot hold water since she has the right to bear the name; she also debunked claims that they are presently in court over the use of the name, Balogun, believing that there is every possibility of their coming back together sometime in the future.

 The actress who is also a producer said in an interview that;

"I am still Fathia Balogun. I am still married to Saheed. It's just that we are separated. Well, we might consider coming back; what God has joined together, let no man put asunder.

"But right now, I'm not thinking about it and I don't want to talk about it right now," she said.
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More Celebrity Collaborations Rita Ora Teams Up With Rimmel London On Cosmetic Line

Singer, Rita Ora teams up with Rimmel London for vibrant lip balms and nail lacquer...

Rita Ora vibrant range of Rimmel London Lip balms

The funky singer's nail polish for Rimmel London

» more Rita Ora in vibrant colours representing her trademark pop style
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» more Rita Ora rocking a leather bustier for Rimmel London Campaign
It a season of celebrity collaborations, We have Rihanna's collaboration of all times with MAC Cosmetics, Solange Knowles with Puma then Taylor Swift for Keds amongst others.

Following in Riri's footsteps of beauty products 'collabs', Singer Rita Ora just won the hearts of Cosmetics giant, Rimmel London.

The face of DKNY is teaming up with the brand for a range of pop art inspired colors and packaging featuring twelve bold nail polish shades in 'Midnight Rendezvous' from the brand's 60 seconds nail polish line which are so her!

The singer also worked on lip balms in five new vibrant hues in mind-blowing packages for the brand. The collection will be available from March 19th.
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Quick Tips To Improve Your Skin 4 More Ways For A Healthier Skin

To get a healthy skin, you need to abide by these tips...

Oluchi has a healthy dark skin
A great skin improves your confidence, makes you feel good and even makes you use less beauty products; trust us some people pile on loads of make-up thinking it will cover skin blemishes!

 Ladies especially will give anything to have a perfect/healthy skin; we would.

1.Always use Sunscreen

Always wear a sunscreen, ensure to use moisturizers with high sun protections, this ensures the skin is protected against UV rays which harms the skin.

2.Avoid direct exposure to sun

As much as possible reduce direct exposure to the sun. A funky scarf draped loosely around your neck can make up your outfit get-up and its equally fabulous and always in trend.

3. Wear Protective Clothing

If you have to go out when it is sunny, make sure to wear protective clothing, sometimes constant exposure to sun rays over a long period counter affects our skincare products, darkens the skin and can ultimately cause skin cancer.

4. Avoid smoking

If you are looking to get your skin in tip top shape and ultimately glowing ditch the cigarettes; its a vice you should dump.
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Ryan Seacrest In Prostitution Scandal! E! Host Spotted Taking Home Groupies!

The famous gossip is best known for revealing celebrity secrets but should fans excuse him for this?

Ryan Seacrest takes groupies home post Nightclub in Hollywood

Ryan Seacrest takes groupies home but has GF, Shayna Taylor
E! Entertainment TV host and producer, Ryan Seacrest goes home with two hookers!

The famous TV man was reportedly seen going into the AV nightclub in Hollywood last night but stepped out with two hot chicks that joined him in his black car as he took off. Funny thing is none of the women were Shayna Taylor - his current girlfriend whom he took to Argentina weeks ago and introduced to his parents!

Reports claim the entertainment mogul walked into the club alone but the two pretty girls walked out of the club hours later into his car before he later joined them.

Does this mean he has officially dumped his girlfriend Shayne?

According to TMZ, a source claims Taylor knows that her man – Ryan – is hanging out with the two girls and is reportedly 'cool with it'! What! Which woman allows her man to openly cheat on her with two groupies?

Does that mean, Ryan Seacrest and Shayna Taylor are in an open relationship or is this a sign that Ryan is not 'fully' committed to Shayna and vice versa?

Damn! Talk about long lasting love on Valentines!
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“I Am A Billionaire; Forbes Is Mad In Not Recognizing Me” Pastor Paul Adefarasin Thunders

Pastor Paul Adefarasin of House on the Rock(
One of the biggest men of God in Nigeria, Pastor Paul Adefarasin, the General Overseer and Founder of House on the Rock Church, is livid at Forbes Magazine for not listing him in the list of richest Nigerian pastors and has boasted that 'he is a billionaire and there is nothing anyone can do about that.'

Forbes had recently released a list of rich pastors in Africa and listed the top five from Nigeria going by their personal fortunes and their net estimate worth, with the likes of Bishop David Oyedepo of the Living Faith World Outreach, (Winners Chapel), coming tops with an estimated $150 million, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Believer's Love World Ministry, (Christ Embassy), $50 Million, Prophet Temitope Joshua, Synagogue Church of All Nation, (SCOAN) $15 Million, Pastor Mathew Ashimolowo, Kingsway International Christian Centre, (KICC), $10 Million and Rev. Chris Okotie, Household of God Church, with an estimated net worth of $10 Million.

That list and his non-inclusion has drawn the ire of Pastor Adefarasin who is reported to have reacted angrily and said:

"I am a billionaire and there is nothing anybody can do about it. I have coached many billionaires and, you know, the pastor of billionaires is a billionaire.

"I am a preacher. I am a motivational speaker. I am a TV personality. I am a life coach.

"You can criticize me or slander me in the pages of newspapers but the blessings are in me and there is nothing anyone can do about it," the man of God bragged at a service in his church.

What else can we add?
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Khloe Kardashian in Love With The Game?

Mum Kris Jenner Seems Okay With This

Little Kardashian is kissing ex beau Lamar Odom final farewell.

Khloe Kardashian, The Game & Kris Jenner attend Tru Nightclub in Hollywood [Feb.11]

Khloe Kardashian ditching Lamar Odom for The Game
Khloe Kardashian, her rumoured new boyfriend The Game, Scott Disick and her mother, Kris Jenner hit the Tru Night club in Hollywood last night and it looked like a total family reunion but; is momanager giving her blessing to the alleged dating couple?

According to reports, Khloe Kardashian put the moves on The Game during their alleged date night while Kris Jenner looked on with satisfaction seeing her daughter being a party queen, and apparently looking very "over" Lamar Odom.

A source claims the two [Khloe & Game] were clearly feeling each other as they took over the dance floor, grinding up a storm while Kris watched in approval.

"Khloe was getting her life pure and simple," the source disclosed to yesterday, "She was having a blast, grinding all over The Game in the VIP section they were in." She added, "Khloe was by his side the entire night, with her mother and Scott. Maybe they were welcoming him into the family?"

Sounds like the door has been wide open for The Game to become a more permanent figure in Khloe's life, as both are currently on the market. "He's single right now so that has a lot to do with it" – so is Khloe! "She's always been a big supporter for him, but lately they've been kicking it together all the time," a source revealed.

Even though it's not yet confirmed that both stars are officially dating, it was reported that there was a lot of flirting, grinding and body sweat transpiring between the two at the nightclub last night. Looks like Game also enjoyed the ride, and did not get off until the ride had come to a complete stop!

So the question is: Is Khloe Kardashian falling for The Game that much? Would you love that to happen or should she forgive Lamar?
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Darey Art Alade Shares "I Cried At Love Like A Movie Concert 2013"

What can possibly make Nigeria's sweetheart shed a tear?

Darey Art-Alade says Love Like A Movie II will be "Full Of Surprises". (with VJ Joan)(

Darey Art-Alade promises Love Like A Movie Concert 2014 will be fun! (with VJ Joan)(
In preparation of the Love Like A Movie II Concert, R&B super star Darey Art Alade dishes on some of his most inspiring moments as we caught up with him amidst his super busy schedule yesterday in Lagos. The prominent chart topper disclosed how emotional he got at the previous concert plus more...

The Not Like A Girl crooner says it gets pretty deep when someone has an instant flash back of all the success, struggles and achievement while standing in front of his fans, friends and most of all, his family.

"The highlight of my career was at the Love Like A Movie Concert last year. I actually cried on stage ... but no one could notice," he smiled, "When I turned around and saw my wife, son, friends, colleagues and thought of everything we went through to get the show together, it was just overwhelming", he added.

On whether the SiSi Eko singer will be shedding more tears at this year's event, we are not too sure about that but Darey promises his fans will have the biggest shock come Saturday February 15.

"This year we have more crowd and we are taking it outside [...outdoor!!!]" the singer mentioned, "We have Kelly Rowland as host from the US and a bunch of great artists from different parts of Africa to perform and of course our brilliant Nigerian stars will be joining me to entertain everyone ...[breaths in] so it's going to be something that if you missed it last year, you'll want to come over this time around."

It's now no news that former Destiny's Child member and X-Factor judge Kelly Rowland will be performing but it's alleged her performance will be out of this world. She may be flying to the stage!!! No Kidding!

Did we also mention that the concert will hold out side at the Eko Hotel?

You better get tickets NOW!
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Rihanna Goes Bankrupt?

RiRi Blames Accountant For Mismanagement Of Funds

Gunning down 9 million dollars in one year is no small issue, but did she do that?

Rihanna blames acoountant for bankruptcy in 2009(NicoleBitchie)

Rihanna declares bankruptcy as at 2009 (spotted, Santa Monica)
Pop super star Rihanna has openly declared bankruptcy ... but not in 2014! She claims her then accountant fooled her into spending enormous cash acquiring stuff not knowing her bank account was bleeding seriously! Yes, we are talking about 2009!


Legal documents in connection with a lawsuit Rihanna filed against her accountant , claiming gross mismanagement has popped up and according to TMZ, RiRi says her accountant made so many boneheaded decisions that he blew her fortune and she was "effectively bankrupt" by the end of 2009.

The Not Now singer claims in new legal docs she had $11 MILLION in cash at the beginning of 2009.  Rihanna says the accountant was not on the ball and she was horrified to learn at the end of the year she had $2 million left. To make matters worse, her expenses doubled, which left her on a financial cliff.

We are still trying to wrap our heads over how Rihanna blew through $9 million in one year but she says her accountant gave her the green light to buy a house priced between $7 and 7 1/2 million. So she took his advice. She ultimately sold the house for a $2 million LOSS last year.

Her recently filed documents also claim her 2009 tour - Last Girl on Earth Tour - was losing money but the accountant never gave her the heads up.

Well, not to panic, Rihanna has rebounded nicely.  Her net worth is currently estimated at $43 MILLION.

Now, isn't that something?
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White TV Reporter Erroneously Refers to Samuel L. Jackson as Lawrence Fishburne

"I'm Not Laurence Fishburne" - Samuel Jackson Fires

Even a blind man could tell the difference, right guys?

Samuel L. Jackson yells at TV reporter - I'm not Laurence Fishburne!

Samuel L. Jackson (l)  & Laurence Fishburne (r) - Any Difference?
Common' guys who doesn't know who Samuel L. Jackson is? Ok, here are some of his films; Total Recall, The Avengers, Captain America, Django, Snakes On The Plane and not Matrix, Matrix Reloaded, Akeelah And The Bee or CSI Miami & New York. That's Laurence Fishburne for God's sakes! How could an entertainment TV reported not know the difference?

Probably, a KTLA Channel 5 reporter doesn't! Sam Rubben interviewed famous Hollywood actor Samuel L. Jackson on live TV on Monday to find out about his next movie role in the much talked-about Robocob and completely mistook the man for a different black actor – Laurence Fishburne – Awkward!

The news reporter thought Jackson was Morpheus in Matrix who also supposedly did the Super Bowl commercial. Jackson reacted with a total shock on his face screaming, "You are as confuused as those on Twitter ... I'm not Laurence Fishburne!" He added, "We don't look alike!" Then, "We maybe all black and famous but we don't look alike." To which the reported admitted, after realizing he's messed up, "I am guilty".

Struggling to change the subject, the reporter was caught saying, "Let's talk about Robocob," but it was too late. Jackson fired back, "Hell no! ...That must be a very short line for your job out there;" and went on to differentiate himself from Fishburne by describing something about credit cards etc then, overwhelmingly repeating, "really? ... really? ...seriously?"

That awkward chat went on and on till the white reporter finally shouted, "You're 100% right" ...and I'm far too dumb! (He forgot to add ...maybe!)

What if Sam Rubben saw Jackson as the old butler in Django (picture left), would he more confused? Meanwhile, Watch the whole thing here!


Samuel L. Jackson (ctsy, Django) gets pissed over TV reporter's mistaking him for Laurence Fishburne
Joan Ngomba
Writer, TV Presenter and Producer...Yes! an excellent one at that! Burying my nose, ears and eyes everywhere is what I do! I live entertainment & enjoy talking business. Now, that's Showbiz!! If you're getting on board with me, let's put everything else into consideration and get to work; Coz that's what brings the Mulla!!
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“Pay Me Good Money And I will Act Naked” – Actress Chelsie Edogun

She will only undress for the camera if the pay is huge.

Actress Chelsea Edogun
The first reaction that will come into the minds of movie watchers will be to ask who she is, but upcoming Nollywood actress, Chelsea Edogun, sure has her strategy to make it to the top in the make belief world.

The Delta State University graduate who joined the industry in 2012 and has acted in few movies such as 'Before Christmas', 'After Christmas' and 'Body Odour,' believes there is nothing wrong in acting naked if she is given a huge sum of money.

Chelsea, who is also known as Cheledon, says she has a body that 'men can kill for', and pointed out that with her good body and lovely boobs, she is ready to show the world what she has got.

"I can act nude (if the money is good), say like one billion pounds. Of course, anyone would go crazy for that amount.

"I love every part of my body because I believe and know my beauty can sell a movie.

"My boobs are my selling point and I can reveal them to the world for the right money," she said.

Is there a movie producer out there who will drop this amount for us to see what Chelsea has to offer?
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New Music Skales – Eyes On Your ft. Olamide

Rapper & vocalist, Skales, has teamed up with indigenous Nigerian rapper, Olamide, for a new song titled 'Eyes On Your'.

The new song is a Hip hop tune with sex-themed lyrics. Skales shows his underrated versatility on the chorus and solo verse, while Olamide spices the track with his trendy Yoruba lyrics.

Skales is gearing up to release his debut studio album 'All of the Above' in 2014 but for now the rapper's team has unleashed a collaboration with YBNL general Olamide. 'Eyes On Your' is a cute and catchy song about a woman's back side; thankfully Olamide and Skales delivered, listen and tell us what you think.

Click this link to listen or download:
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