Monday, 10 February 2014

Kenyan Pastor Charges Money To Check Name In The Book Of Life Is this the end times?

Bishop Thomas Wahom (Nairobixposed) Wonders, they say, shall never end; this assertion could best describe this Kenyan pastor, Bishop Thomas Wahome who has devised a new means of making money off his congregation.

The man of God whose church is called Helicopter of Christ Church, claims to be able to look up if someone's name is written in the Book of Life and for that service, he collects Sh 1,500, about 20 dollars, (N3, 268.00).

Bishop Thomas Wahome is known as the King of Controversy in the East African country and is known to craft very bizarre ways of conning his flock.

According to a Kenyan website, Nairobixposed, "Bishop Wahome claims that if you give him Sh 1,500, he can actually ask God whether you are among those people who will go to heaven. He claims that he has a direct line to God and he can communicate with him directly."

In 2012, Bishop Wahome reportedly came up with another "unique scam by charging the sum of Sh 1, 200, (15 dollars), for people to touch his garment, just like the woman with the issue of blood who touched Jesus' clothes in the bible and was healed," the website continued.

Bishop Wahome had claimed at that time that people who touched his clothes got instant healing from whatever disease.
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