Thursday, 20 March 2014

Hulk Hogan BIG Girl Thieves RIPPED OFF My Store!

Hulk Hogan's Florida beach shop was hit by three chicks who distracted the manager ... while a fourth made off with a signed boot. Simple, and effective. 

Hogan tells TMZ his staff discovered one of the pieces of Hulk memorabilia a signed wrestling boot went missing.

But a quick look at surveillance video solved the mystery.

Here's what happened four girls came in and chatted up the manager. After luring the manager to the front of the store, one of the four snuck back in and lifted the boot.  

Someone who has seen the video tells TMZ the women are large and in charge.

Hulk tells us he's planning to file a police report today and hand over the surveillance video. 

He also says the girls showed off Michigan IDs to the manager, so they're probably in town for spring break.

Clearwater PD tells TMZ they are investigating the theft. They say the shoe was taken by "a heavyset white female in her 50s."

Police say the girls may have distracted the workers by knocking over a statue of Hogan outside the door to create the diversion.
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