Friday, 21 March 2014

President Obama talks ‘Scandal,’ ‘House of Cards,’ and healthcare on ‘Ellen’

President Barack Obama earned two titles November 6, 2012: President, and the man behind the most re-tweeted tweet of all time. But, as we now know, Ellen DeGeneres and company broke that record at this year's Oscars with their celeb-filled selfie that now holds that title. "I thought it was a pretty cheap stunt myself," Obama told Ellen, when she rubbed it in his face. At least he's still President?

Obama went on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in an episode airing Thursday to continue his media tour promoting healthcare to young people — one past stop includes Zach Galifianakis' Between Two Ferns. But Obama didn't only talk healthcare: We also got to hear his thoughts on his two daughters getting tattoos.

"We will reduce the cool factor of any tattoo," Obama threatens. His and Michelle's plan? If Sasha or Malia ever get a tattoo, both parents will get that same tattoo in the same place before they all take a photo together and post it online. "I hate to say it, but I really hope they get tattoos," DeGeneres jokes. We do too.

Obama did take a couple minutes to speak about healthcare in the second part of their interview, saying, "All I'm encouraging everybody to do is to take a look and see what options are right for you and your family."

Then DeGeneres got to the good stuff, meaning she brought up Scandal. Sadly, Obama doesn't watch (Michelle does though) but he has seen House of Cards. "I have to tell you, life in Washington is a little more boring than displayed on the screen." Yeah, okay. Sure. "There is not much dancing in the situation room, as a general rule." Now that's just sad.
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