Sunday, 6 April 2014

The Aston Martin lifestyle is full of fine liquors, speakers, and women

Aston Martin is definitively British by more than nationality. It also boasts a very British design attitude, something that evokes a sense of freedom and adventure only found within a brisk drive. 

Accordingly, Aston Martin commissioned True Motion Pictures to produce a film starring it Vanquish model. Why the Vanquish? It was chosen to star because it absolutely exudes every single emotion Aston wants to seep into a proud driver. The evocative and exquisite short film is called "The Art of Vanquish". It's an eye-catching short film that creates a mesmerizing life context for the flagship model.

The luxurious atmosphere surrounding the Aston lifestyle is created by meshing shots of pure driving enjoyment with the subtleties of a refined man's life, something few can dream of.

Aston Martin cunningly uses some wise product placement techniques by showing the faceless Aston owner's favorite drink, his preferred sound system (Bang and Olufsen, of course), and his kind of woman. 

What would owning an Aston Martin be without living a refined lifestyle to match your perfect automobile? The two go hand in hand, and if you listen to the choice words of a traveled man in the film, you might just have to buy a Vanquish.

If nothing else, the roar of that handcrafted V12 should convince you.
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