Friday, 2 May 2014

FACTS 101 Yes, Drinking Breast Milk Is Good For Adults Too!

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Subject: FACTS 101 Yes, Drinking Breast Milk Is Good For Adults Too!

Some researches have it that the the taste of a woman's breast milk is determined by what she is eating. So if she eats a lot of pepper, then the breast milk will be spicy, if she eats lots of fruits, then you'll get a fruit-flavoured milk drink.

But, can an adult also take breast milk?

Yes, I can assuredly tell you that breast milk is quite beneficial for adults too as it is known to increase an adult's immunity, just as it does in children.

"Adults with cancer, digestive disorders and immune disorders may drink several ounces of milk daily or weekly to ease the ravages of chemotherapy, bolster their immune systems and improve their digestion," Pauline Sakamoto of the milk bank in San Jose said.

It doesn't end there.

Breast milk also protects from different ailments like conjunctivitis, burns, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury,  diabetes and Parkinson's, acne, diarrhea etc. Best For Babes list a number of other diseases curable by beast milk on its site.

Scientists found that a probiotic found in breast milk reduces or eliminates painful cramping in the gut caused by digestive disorders and can be very helpful for adults.

"...increasing the intake of this bacterium may help alleviate symptoms of a wide range of gut disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, functional bowel disorders, and constipation," Times Of India wrote in an article.

This means you are free to give your milk to your husband of adult child!

Daily Mail of UK reports also wrote: "In a 2010 research a Swedish team reported that the sizes of bladder tumours were reduced just five days after patients were injected with a breast milk compound.

However, you must note that taking only breast milk will not be helpful for any adults who more than can be found in breast milk and Martin Binks, clinical director of Binks Behavioral Health urges caution.

"Breast milk cannot provide all we, as adults, need nutritionally and, in fact, [breast milk] has very high levels of cholesterol," says Binks.

So, yes, an adult can drink breast milk. But remember that HIV can be passed through breast milk, so drinking a stranger's milk can be risky.

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