Thursday, 22 May 2014

SHOCKING NEWS: Boko Haram threaten Calabar Educations 13 school children are missing

Today was a dramatic act between Teachers and student when all principals and head mistress, private owners of various schools in calabar town sent back all pupils home due to long time threat from Boko Haram spreading the news that their next target was to be Calabar main town the paradise people's city.

They make their threat so strong today when an information was licked from there camp to all educational sessions in calabar that Boko Haram agent and some suicide bombers are now in Calabar main town, they are planning to kidnap more students to their on going 263+ students they have at hands.

Asking a group of student sent back home this morning, they explain more reason why they are sent back from school to their various houses that the news heard from teachers and some student was direct from the Nigerian terrorist "Boko Haram" to make our paradise a hell zone. Also they are planning to captured more student from Calabar South and any valuable regions of their choices to their camp, rumor are now been flying around that 13 school children are kidnap.

All news was pass around the Calabar education sessions that student should remain indoor until this cases is iron out properly between Boko Haram and the Government.

All notice from schools was given to all parent that schools will be shutdown till furture notices, all they bargain is to see goverment in actions as soon as possible.

More information to come shortly.

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