— everyword (@everyword) November 30, 2007
— everyword (@everyword) June 7, 2014
Parrish set up the account in November 2007 in reaction to early criticism of Twitter — with detractors saying the fledgling network didn't allow for detailed or in-depth discussion, @everyword was built to provide the ultimate list of short, out-of-context updates. In fact, the words published by the account were often used to spark off conversations and ideas.
"To have people see a word in their Twitter feed and then riff off of it or to use it as the basis to make jokes with friends, that's a big vindication for people who care both about language and technology," Parrish told the Wall Street Journal. "Sex" was the most popular word tweeted out by @everyword, amassing over 2,000 retweets and more than 1,000 favorites.
Unfortunately not everything ran smoothly as @everyword came to the end of its mission — several extra words were tweeted out after the final entry, presumably due to a bug in the software or the source material. If these additional updates are tidied up, "zymurgy" will be the last update.
Parrish is already planning a re-run though, so don't unfollow @everyword just yet. "My plan at the moment is to let the account rest for a bit, and then run '@everyword Season 2,' starting over from the beginning of the alphabet," writes the account's creator. "Before I do that, I'd like to find a more thorough word list, and also do some programming work so that the bot is less likely to experience failures that interrupt service."
He signs off: "The response to @everyword has been overwhelming. When I started the project in 2007, I never would have dreamed that the account would one day have close to 100k followers. And if you're one of those followers, thank you! It's a great feeling to have made something that so many people have decided to make a daily (or, uh, half-hourly) part of their lives."
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