Sunday, 23 March 2014

Chinese imaging company creates the largest 150-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor

What you see here is not some type of high-tech harmonica, but a 150-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor. Created by Chinese imaging company Gpixel, the sensor is the world's highest-resolution CMOS sensor. Looking at the size (6.59 x 11 inches), it is not going to make its way into any DSLR, as you've probably guessed – not the ones we use today, at least. No, the sensor is designed for cameras used for medical, industrial, and scientific imaging. (Just imagine the high-res selfie you could have taken, if it had been a consumer product.)

The sensor, known as the GMAX3005, is based on the TS18IS technology from TowerJazz, which partnered with Gpixel in the development. The monochromatic sensor can achieve 10 frames per second at full-frame, and is designed to capture images with high sensitivity. According to Gpixel, there is a growing demand for high-end image sensors, particularly in industry, and it wants to play a huge role in that growth. TowerJazz, an Israeli company with a big presence in Japan, recently made news by entering a joint venture with Panasonic on an imaging semiconductor business; Gpixel says TowerJazz technology is crucial in the sensor's development.

Gpixel said the sensor will be available at year's end.
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