Sunday, 23 March 2014

Christian Bale to Play “Steve Jobs”? He is first Choice of David Fincher to play Apple’s Former CEO

"The Dark Knight" star Christian Bale is David Fincher's foremost preference to play Apple's CEO Steve Jobs in an under consideration film that Aaron Sorkin has penned for Sony and will be produced by Scott Rudin and Mark Gordon, according to some reliable media reports.

Sorkin had won an Oscar award for writing Fincher's Facebook drama "The Social Network". However, not any single official has agreed to comment about this project.

Fincher currently has a meeting with Sony's Amy Pascal to talk about the prospect of directing the motion picture, and informed her, in no vague terms, that he would only agree to helm the project if Bale is selected to play Steve Jobs.

Fincher and Pascal had a stressed association throughout the production of "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo", but Pascal have confidence in him as a director — and often tends to keep him pleased, as per some insiders. It seems that Pascal has developed a friendly rapport with Bale, after a constructive experience on recently Oscar nominated film "American Hustle", which also earned Bale an Oscar nomination for the lead character.

While Steve Jobs' character is way different from Batman, Bale has been regarded as a key actor to play the revolutionist IT hero since the film was initially declared owing to his physical similarity with Jobs.

Surprisingly, Bale has not been officially offered to play the role so far, because he is enjoying a short break from the work to live with his family after completing the role of Moses in Ridley Scott's Biblical film "Exodus", which is projected to be released next year and will probably bring Bale back in the Oscar discussion.

The movie is likely to come with 3 long scenes about Apple's key product releases, including the Mac, NeXT (after Steve had left the company) and the iPod. Filming may star prior to the end of the year, or in early 2015, as both Bale and Fincher appears to be quite full of activity this fall campaigning for their films, "Exodus" and "Gone Girl", respectively.

Despite the fact that the film "Jobs" starring Ashton Kutcher as Apple's CEO, made just thirty-five million dollars globally, Sony deems that there is substantial curiosity throughout the world in a Steve Jobs film created by and bearing A-list talent.

Bale, who will shortly appear in Terrence Malick's film "Knight of Cups", has no solid regards to films in development. The infamously choosy actor grabbed an Academy Award under the category of supporting role in "The Fighter".
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