Tuesday, 25 March 2014

‘Supernatural’: Misha Collins on his directorial debut, Crowley testing Dean, the war in heaven, more

Last week's Supernatural ended with a "sobered up" Crowley realizing that his life was in danger. As a result, he stole the First Blade from the Winchester brothers. Pair that with the return of Abaddon this week — not to mention Dean finally realizing the effects of the Mark of Cain — and an end-of-season, danger-is-imminent feeling is slowly creeping in. For now, though, we're trying to stay calm and take things one week at a time — which is why we talked with Misha Collins about what comes next.

Collins, who makes his directorial debut with tonight's episode, wasn't able to promise us a Castiel appearance — not even a cameo! He did, however, talk about the brothers' dilemma, what Crowley is up to, and what we can expect from Cas in future episodes. Here's what we learned:

The effects of the Blade start to sink in a bit for Dean: "[Finding the Blade] continues to be a driving mission for the season, most especially for Dean. He's got a duel motivation there. On the one hand, he wants to get Abaddon, and on the other hand, he's kind of jonesing for the rush that he had in holding that First Blade. It's almost like Sam with the demon blood way back when. So yeah, that's [a] central plot twist as we move forward."

Crowley is "not entirely" sober, and will spend this week testing Dean: "I will tell you that Crowley is essentially trying to figure out whether he can, in the same vein as when they went after the First Blade originally together, see if he can exploit or trust — I don't know what the proper term is — Dean for further partnership."

The brothers separate this week, but their relationship remains a focal point: "[Their relationship] begins and ends the episode, and it's a tension that is woven throughout the episode. So it is a present theme this week."

Cas is not in tonight's episode — but when we do find him again, he'll still be alone: "Cas is on his own, continuing to hunt Metatron and figure out how he can get back at Metatron and restore the natural heavenly order. The reluctant leader is something that continues to be a storyline for Cas this season."

But fear not! Cas will reunite with the Winchesters and play a part in all of this Mark of Cain business: "Yes, yes you will see him reunite with the Winchesters. Cas will be woven into [the Mark of Cain] storyline. Dean and Cas are going to attempt to collaborate again."

The war in heaven is going to come to a head by season's end, as will the consequences of Castiel stealing another's Grace: "I don't know about Cas trying to find his own Grace, but I do know that there are side effects. Cas has sort of got a stiff upper lip about it, and he's trying to forge on, but it does become an issue for him."

Expect more on the Men of Letters: "Well, this week we learn more about the Men of Letters' relationship to their ancestors, and we learn about the genesis of Abaddon in her current incarnation."

Cas is not in the spin-off, but we'll still see a lot of him: "Cas is not in the spinoff episode, which is episode 20. But Cas is in the rest of the season: [episodes] 21, 22, and 23."

Supernatural airs tonight at 9 p.m. on The CW.
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