The experts will be paid salaries of £40,000 under the new government scheme, which will run from September.
The Department for Education (DfE) said the initiative would "build a pipeline" from schools to the world of work.
But a teachers' union has warned that academics may not necessarily have the skills required to be a good teacher.
A spokeswoman for the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) said the experts should be trained as teachers before being allowed to educate children.
The scheme, which will operate in non-selective state schools, will be joint-funded by the government and businesses including Samsung, GlaxoSmithKline, Barclays and BAE Systems.
Under it, research fellows will conduct master classes for pupils in networks of schools, set up free online maths and physics resources for schools to use, and teach lessons that stretch more advanced students.
They will also help pupils secure work experience with companies that are backing the programme.
Education Minister Elizabeth Truss said recruiting experts in maths and physics would help pave a path for pupils towards a career, thereby boosting the economy.
Ms Truss says teachers are the best people to inspire youngsters
"Too many teenagers think maths and physics are niche subjects - that couldn't be further from the truth," Ms Truss said.
"They open the door to careers in everything from business or journalism to technology or engineering.
"By getting experts into schools we can build a pipeline from GCSE through to A-level and beyond into the world of work - teenagers studying these subjects will go on to underpin a flourishing UK economy," she said.
This follows warnings last year of a shortage in maths and science teachers.
Researchers also warned in January of a shortage of "core generic skills" in the workforce, while figures from the OECD revealed a UK gender gap in maths, with girls trailing behind boys.
The ATL spokeswoman said the new government moves would be welcome if appointing experts to teach school children produced results.
'Struggling pupils'
But she warned that those taking part in the scheme should have the relevant training first.
"People need to know how to teach kids," she said.
"They need to know how children learn and how their brains develop. So they would need those skills.
"There is no point being brilliant at a subject if you are unable to impart your knowledge to children."
She said the country needed people who were good at enthusing and inspiring pupils, but they needed the ability to understand and communicate with young people first and foremost.
The spokeswoman said this was particularly important with younger children at GCSE level, all of whom have to take maths and physics.
"These experts will be dealing with children across the complete spectrum, including children who really struggle with the subjects," she said.
"Will they be able to do that without proper teacher training behind them?"
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