Thursday, 24 July 2014

INTERVIEW WITH: 'Ifeoluwa Elizabeth Lukula' face of Superbold magazine WINNER

* Can you please tell us about yourself in brief words?

Am Ifeoluwa Elizabeth Lukula 3rd position in the family of 5 Only female. Am a student of Tai Solarin University of Education studying Health Education. A young 300 Level student

And am 5.7ft tall.

*Q: Being the 1st ever beauty pageant winner of face of superbold Magazine how do you feel?

I feel great anyway, I never took it serious at first but we give glory to God.

* 2. During your contest about the face of Superbold Magazine tell us what part of you that needed improving and why?

My Temperament. It really suck at times been trying to work on it anyway **chuckles**

* If you were not to win the pageant, what would you do?

Smiles Nothing of course Would just fasten my seatbelt and move on to better and greater things.

* What makes you unique?

My act of friendliness.

* Have you contest in other pageant before or this is your 1st pageant act to you?

Yeah, I contested for the miss of my department too. And I emerged the winner.

* To your fans out there what advice can u say to them?

Acknowledge God in all your dealings and Always Stay Focused!!!



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